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Showing posts from March, 2007

Busy Boy

Caden is still as busy as ever. He's climbing on everything and if we leave the gate to the stairs open even for a second he zooms over there and heads up - laughing of course because he thinks he's really gotten one over on us. He's also started a new game where he crawls away from you as fast as he can go and laughs away. He's fun unless you are trying to get him dressed! And the best news of all - he's been sleeping through the night for 2 weeks now (minus the one night he did get up). I can't tell you how incredibly happy that makes me. If you have kids I guess you know!!

Wascana Park

The weather network is forecasting 15 degrees and sunshine for saturday. PLEASE please, let it be true. I can't wait to see the trees outside my window turn green and for Wascana Park to become that wonderful green place in the middle of the city that I love so much. My favorite thing about Regina is Wascana Park. I get to walk right out my door and have a beautiful park a few blocks away. YAY! When it is nice enough I like to walk around it daily if I can. It's really beautiful. Here's some pics that have me excited about the coming warm up.

I can see clearly now...

I have occasionally been doing bible studies out of this book called Women of the Bible. So many of the stories include infertility which I am used to but last night I was struck by one of the questions in the back of one chapter. It asked "have you or anyone you know struggled with infertility" and then "how does that struggle differ from the struggles during bible times" and I felt ashamed. I could only hang my head that I have called what I have been through a struggle. What would it have been like back in those days? Hopeless no doubt. We have had hope and have had our hopes realized. Those in the fertility field have only been able to do what they did for us for 20 years. That leaves thousands of years worth of men and women who simply had to accept their fate. I cannot comprehend that. I am filled with gratitude that I live in this time and that God has used the medical advances of our time to Bless our lives. And now I will look at the two or three months tha

My workin' men

Here's my two guys working on our bedroom floor a couple of weeks ago. Workin' hard! That is until Caden started eating the supplies!!

A Few More Pics from our Calgary trip

Caden with Uncle Josh and Auntie Jacquie

Fun in Calgary - February

SO BIG!! Caden's new puppy friend Quincy Caden in Quincy's house Caden his auntie Nicola and his cousin (boy or girl? We won't know til June!) Caden with his Auntie Brandi

Feb. Pics

Various Pics from last month Caden making faces at himself in the mirror Wild Man! Caden stands and even takes a few steps now Having fun with Uncle James when he came to visit Our friend Lorraine brought us the beach one cold feb. day. thanks Lorraine!

Non News

What is non news you ask? Well, we had hoped to have actual news but unfortunately we don't. We were in the process of trying to have another baby. That process for us isn't nearly as enjoyable as for most people. I have to wait for two months, take drugs for two months, travel to another city and have a stranger in places you don't want strangers and then wait two weeks (while still on lots of drugs) to find out if you got something out of all of that. This time around we didn't tell one single person. We thought it would be nice to get to announce that we are expecting like everybody else gets to. That is not in the cards for us. Anyway, that is why it is non news. It didn't work this time. That's what my last post was referring to. Not a good week. But I'm doing alright. We are lucky enough to be able to try again and likely within a few months. This time we want to ask those of you out there who feel compelled to please pray for us. God ha

Fresh Air

I am just using the screen door right now and I can smell the fresh air and hear the cars going by splashing through the puddles. Isn't it great? It seems that's all I can talk about these days. There is more going on in our lives but this isn't always the place I want to talk about things. Let's just say that not everything has been rosy this past week. I've had some real ups and downs. Cried a few times but overall I know that no matter what happens in my life, God is in charge and He will take care of us. He has blessed us so much, how can I ask for more or be upset when I don't get what I think I'm supposed to have next? I say that but it doesn't mean that I feel that way all the time. I am a planner so it's tough to leave things in God's hands. I will continue to work on that and in the meantime I will try to enjoy the gifts that each day brings me! One of those gifts is that I get to watch Caden learn to walk. What fun!! He has more bumps a

Looking forward to spring

I want the snow to go away. I'm ready for spring. I was dreaming about spring today and I think some of my favorite things include the warmer air, things looking alive again and walking around Wascana Park. I can hardly wait to take Caden to the park and do all those fun spring and summer things. I would love to hear what some of you out there are looking forward to this spring. It might help us all to think about that even though we are buried in snow (well some of us are).


All I ever wanted to do was have a family. I had no real career aspirations (obviously) and felt this intense desire to be a mom. As many of you know that took a long time. You may also be thinking - ok - you have the kid now - get over it. But I can't. Every day I look at Caden and am amazed that he is here. Today he kept crawling over to me and wanting up. I don't want a suck for a child. I kind of pride myself on not caving in to whining but I just could not help myself. How must he feel all the times I crawl over to him and want a hug and a kiss when he is in the middle of playing? So I picked him up and hugged and hugged him and felt warm all over. I am overwhelmed with gratefulness for his existence. Life is full of happiness and sorrow and I hope that I am appreciating this wonderful time in my life enough. Oh, here he comes again - time for another hug!