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Summer holidays

Justin went back to work today so we are officially done our summer holidays. That may mean I will do better with the blogging thing but I should never promise anything. Our holidays were lots of fun. We spent the first week in Calgary and did all sorts of fun things. We really packed it all in.

On our way out we decided to split up the trip and spend a night together in a hotel. This would be a first for us as a family, on our own. Since we just stayed the night, it went just fine. The kids all slept great. But here is what we do to a hotel room:

Then we drove up to Noel and Amy's farm. We all had a really nice day out there. I think Caden probably had the best time. He got to ride with Noel in the baler, then he got a ride on the quad with his dad not to mention lots of other stuff. Thanks guys for a great day!

We got to Calgary that evening and Jacquie wanted to see us, even though she was on shift! Lucky for Caden though. Auntie brought the ambulance to the house and Caden got to see it and turn on the lights and sirens. Lucky kid!

I got to see Heather and go to Ikea and to the mall. Caden and Justin and Josh went Go-Karting. We played in the yard, had a fire one night and the little kids had their first ice cream cones. Justin and I went out to a movie one night without the kids (thanks Grandma for watching the kids so much so that we could do some stuff!)

Dylan was pretty excited to figure out the water gun.

Liam just LOVED Quincy (the dog) and started saying his favorite word - PUP EEE! (all the time)
Auntie Jacquie and Uncle Kenny invited the whole crew out to their place for a fun time at the Spray Park and then for supper at their new house. Thanks for taking that on guys. It's a zoo!

Cousin Maggie with Dylan

Maggie, Caden and Dylan playing ring around the rosie. Too Cute!

I don't have a picture of Liam trying out the ice cream but he did eat a little bit of it. Of the little boys, Dylan was definitely the most taken with the cone!

By the end of the week we made it to the zoo with Auntie Nicola, Maggie and Lyla. The first time we tried it rained. The next planned outing was ousted because I was at a walk-in clinic with Evan (eye infection) for 4 hours. Obviously I did not imagine I would be there that long but lets not focus on the low point of the trip. The zoo was lots of fun and Caden was especially thrilled with the dinosaurs. I love how he shows his excitement about things. It makes you know that it was worth doing!

The next day, Justin and I took the 4 boys out to Sycomee which is a little man made beach that is completely fenced. HALLELUHAH! My dream come true. They went in the water a bit but had more fun at the play ground. Whatever... we were outside and it was a beautiful day!

And check it out - Liam walked into the water completely on his own. Not too far mind you but every step is a step in the right direction! :)
We enjoyed getting to see all the aunts and uncles and cousins. It worked out that Josh wasn't away for work so he was able to hang out lots. We made it over to James' and Nic's place and that rounded out our trip.

It was full and fun and crazy and good. We got home monday night and still had the week at home together before Justin had to go back to work this week. We really didn't do much. A few things here and there. Vicki and Steven and the kids were here camping so we visited them one morning. Why were they here again? Oh ya! Vic and I went to the Bon Jovi concert. It was lots of fun and even made us feel young again for a minute :) We went to the spray park with other friends, got to see Adam and Trinda and their kids. I've been fighting a really bad cough this past week so what we haven't been able to do is go and see our new nephew. While we were away in Alberta, Chris and Sherry welcomed a new little guy into their (and our) family. Jeremy Nicolas is his name and we can't wait to meet him!

So - that's it. A great holiday!


Aisling said…
So glad you had a great time. Looks like you're doing pretty darn good with all those little ones, so no more asking me how I do it!! LOL

Too bad we were away; would've been nice to get together. Maybe next time :)

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