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Showing posts from October, 2011

Justin got scared on halloween...

Yes - my stampeder fan had a real fright when he got in to work today :). This is what happens to a Stamps fan in Regina. Could be worse right?

inspired by Pinterest

Sara was here last weekend and gave me the gift of Pinterest. You should check it out. Anyway - it has inpired me. The past couple of days I have made faces with the kids food for fun presentation :). Last night I made a halloween decoration with scrapbook paper, canvases and mod podge. Then we got all set up for a movie night/sleepover in the living room and ate froot loop treats (like rice krispie squares with froot loops instead and on a stick) that I saw on there. It was fun until ten thirty when Caden was the only one sleeping. We finally had to send the 3 little boys to their beds so that we could go to sleep :). I think they still had fun and we still have a memory! I should note that I was also inspired to do things like that by our "Once Upon A Time" ladies seminar a few weeks ago. Janelle talked about 'creating moments' and making memories. I am not a creative person first. I am logical and sensible. it is not logical or sensible to lug mattresse...


Hello out there! I am here. The last month has flown by. Caden still likes school. He likes to tell us the new french words he learned each day and he has 3 girlfriends. I wonder if the girls know? He still loves his video games and hanging out with his brothers and his friends. He's taking piano lessons and seems to be catching on to that very well. The little guys aren't so little any more. I think Dylan grew a couple or 3 inches in the last 6 wks. Pants that fit them at the beginning of september, when I checked to see what they had for fall, don't fit anymore. It's crazy. They'll be three in a few weeks and they are full of life. They are always running, jumping, yelling, climbing, racing and just being boys. They are pretty into lego and lego star wars these days. They sit and watch movies now so we enjoy doing that as a family. There isn't quite as much running, jumping and yelling then :). If you thought their personalities were complete...