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Showing posts from January, 2007

Enjoying Life

There are so many things that make Caden happy. He's just enjoying everything. Playing tug of war with Bailey is one of those things. Here are the pictures I promised. And as a mom who takes a few too many pics, I have to include a couple more. These are 'happy baby', 'clapping baby' and "crawling baby'


Well, I must confess that my new obsession is HGTV. It's not as bad as it sounds. At least I don't think it is. Now that we have a new tv set up, we are able to set it to record certain series' so I've picked shows from HGTV that I like. Then I can go back later and just fast forward to the parts I really want to see (which is usually the reveal, or the "presentation" as the designer guys call it). I am saving SO much time by doing it that way. Don't you agree? The problem now is that I have more ideas than I know what to do with (and not the $$$ I would like to do it with). And I am talking about it on my blog. HMMM. In real life, another week has gone since I've blogged. Caden is feeling better, a few more chores have been done, some friends and family visited with and we're a few steps farther along in renovating our bedroom. I'm still not getting as many regular hours of sleep as I would like but it's not too too bad. Caden is crawling ...

A sick baby and a sad bedroom

We had a great weekend with Adam and Trinda, Zack, Jaiden and Gabrielle. It was sad to see them go. Caden was so sad that he got a fever the next day (monday) and slept all day! He seems to be feeling better today though. Now we are back to getting organized to finish renovating our bedroom. We have the panelling ripped off and the carpet ripped up. I can't tell you how happy I am to get rid of one of our yucky dirty carpets. One down and a couple more to go. But one thing at a time right!?! Poor Justin would go to work and come home to panelling or carpet out on the curb. He just never knows what is going to happen next. Too bad I can't figure out a way to drywall while he's gone for the day. Then I really would get the wife of the year award! Demo was fun but now I'm ready to see it start to look like something again. Decorating really is the best part and I have some plans! Here are some before pictures.

A Week of Firsts

What a fun week we've had! Caden started out the new year with some new experiences and abilities. It's amazing how much fun this is for us as parents! This past week I took Caden out on his sled that he got from Santa. He really seemed to enjoy himself. When we got home I let him touch the snow and watched as his face went from wondering to "what in the world is this!!" and then to "ouch it hurts!". We dried his hand off and moved on. On the weekend Justin and I took him swimming for the first time. I can't believe we took this long to do it. I am hoping to start taking him more often. He had a blast. He splashed like crazy and smiled at all the other kids. I had to go in the hot tub while we were there of course so we sat him on the edge and right away he turns towards the pool where these kids are and starts crawling!! towards them. He has been military crawling (dragging himself around)and would go up on his knees a bit but this time was the real dea...

Caden's New Tricks

Over the past 8 months, Caden has been very strict at following the rules. Jenny get's an email every week called "My Baby This Week". In that publication, it will always say something like, "your baby will start trying to roll over" and every time, either that day or the day before, Caden will start to do exactly that. For a long time, I was very concerned. It seems "they" knew exactly what was going on in our house. How did they do this? Were people spying on us?? Are we being monitored by "Big Brother" in an attempt to make sure we conform to the arbitrary social standard so as to avoid the political unrest that is sure to ensue when the people vote me in as Overlord and Grand Pooba. After much discussion and assurances by Jen that they are not in fact keeping tabs on us through the television, I decided that it was kind of cool that our Baby seemed to be on par in his developmentation. And time after time he has continued to meet ...

Christmas Unrated

Now, I know what you are thinking. Will we get to see Justin naked. And I am sad to say that you will not in this collection of pictures. But keep checking back because I just might get a hankering to do a photo shoot ala George Castanza. However, this section was deemed unrated because the pictures you will see are not your typical holiday pictures. There are the pictures that you take where everyone has their eyes open and are smiling all nice and pretty like and their hair is just so, and then there are pictures where people are not necessarily caught at there best moment. And then there are the pictures that I will share. These are the pictures others don't want you to see. I hope you enjoy.