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Showing posts from March, 2008


Sick - that describes at least 2 of us at our house. I'm feeling very nauseous and completely tired and useless. And I'm thrilled about it! :) Not so wonderful is that Caden is sick. He threw up all night thursday night, had a fever and slept all day friday. Saturday we thought he was better but then he threw up that night and again sunday afternoon. He has also had the runs the past couple of days. He slept all night last night though but right now he is just laying on the couch watching tv. He NEVER does that. This is our first bout with a real sickness in regards to Caden. Poor kid. He's so pale. Needless to say - we didn't do a whole lot on the weekend. I'm having a hard time just keeping up at home because of not feeling so well but we'll just keep plugging along. Caden and I are just staying home today and we'll see how he does.

The 2 Week Wait is Over

The waiting is finally over. Today was the day - after 2 long weeks of waiting - that I went for my official pregnancy test at the dr.'s office. I had done a couple of Home Pregnancy Tests so I pretty much knew what to expect. I have been praying constantly, as have many of you out there (thank you so much for that). Well, God heard all of us and we are happy to report that the test came back positive. We are really happy but also very cautious . It was only 5 months ago today that we lost our pregnancy at 5 1/2 weeks. We are going to just continue praying that God will watch over this pregnancy and that a healthy baby will be born. We give Thanks to God !

Happy Easter

Caden wanted to wish everyone a happy easter.... We were in Estevan for the weekend and had a chance, among other things, to paint eggs at Adam and Trinda's house, a first for Caden. He had fun. Once the painting was done Caden discovered another new love.... rod hockey. He couldn't be distracted from it. He played with it through supper time and right until we left. I was sure he was going to have a tantrum about leaving it but he actually did alright. He preferred the 'use your hands' technique to the old school 'move the men with the rods' way. Is this just a percursor to wanting to play actual hockey? What do you think? Sunday was the easter egg hunt. He easily found all of his candy filled eggs and his big easter basket. We had some fun playing with the little chirping chick and blowing some bubbles.


It's been a week since I posted and so I feel like I should say something. I'm afraid I have a pretty one track mind right now. Our results from the IVF are scheduled for next monday so we are still waiting. This past first week of waiting pretty much crawled by and I'm expecting the same with this week. The thing about the second week is that my body starts responding and I evaluate every little feeling. Unfortunately the signs of being pregnant and of not being pregnant are pretty much the same. Isn't that fantastic? Plus I can get nauseous and crampy from the hormones I am on so who knows what is going on!! It becomes a big mind game that starts as soon as I wake up and goes on all day. I make myself crazy. And within all of that I pray and I ask God to help me Trust in Him and that by the time I get my Pregnancy Test that I will really be ok with either result. If I were really leaving it in His hands I could just let it go and not think about it right? W...


Amy and Noel Flitton Well, they did it!! Amy and Noel are hitched. The wedding was gorgeous and they were so happy. We really enjoyed being there and wish them both a happy and full life together. Caden hung out with grandma and grandpa so we had a nice break and were able to have some kid free time together. Sunday was our first embryo transfer. We will have another one on tuesday and then there will be 3 little possibilities. We find out how things went on March 24 - right after Easter. I'm hoping the 2 weeks will go by fairly fast but at the same time I'm really ok. This is our 4th attempt since Caden was born and this time has been so much more relaxed and I have put it in God's hands. What else can we do? Whatever happens is what is meant to be and either way we have a very full and blessed life. While we are here we are getting to spend time with Jack and Judy, James, Nic and Maggie (or buggy as Caden says it ), Josh and Brandi and Jacquie was even here for a...

More Laughs

My good friend Amy is getting married tomorrow. It is wonderful to see how happy she is! We're lucky we get to be here and share in this time with her. Justin, Caden and I came to Calgary wed. night which made it possible for me to join in the girls night out with Amy last night. It was lots of fun. Here's our princess bride - doesn't it look like she is in a pageant or something :) This is at Open Sesame where we went for supper. I just loved this little area we were in with the fabric ceiling and cool light fixtures. Amy and I Andrea, Crystal, me and Heather It felt really good just being with friends. These are the moments and the memories that matter. Tomorrow is Amy's big day - how exciting!! Congratulations Amy!

A Laugh A Minute

Caden and I went to Estevan last week for a few days and had lots of fun visits. We started out the fun by traveling with Laurie B and her 4 kiddos. Caden got all hyper and excited on that trip. It was really nice to get so many really good visits in. Caden loved spending time at grandpa and grandma Jocelyn's and visiting Vicki, Mason and Devin. We went to the Pippus' and I actually remembered to take some pictures. We also spent time with Adam and Trinda and kids which included our ride home to Regina. I wish I had taken more pictures but here are a few. Caden hanging with Katelyn and Megan In the next 3 pictures you'll see (1)Caden throwing a ball (i think) at Megan and she tries to run away (2 & 3) Caden killing himself laughing because he thinks it is a hilarious game. Here's Caden being Mr. Cheesy. He has never posed much for pictures but his new thing appears to be making this scrunchy smily face. I love it! Adam and Trinda then spent the weekend with...