Sick - that describes at least 2 of us at our house. I'm feeling very nauseous and completely tired and useless. And I'm thrilled about it! :) Not so wonderful is that Caden is sick. He threw up all night thursday night, had a fever and slept all day friday. Saturday we thought he was better but then he threw up that night and again sunday afternoon. He has also had the runs the past couple of days. He slept all night last night though but right now he is just laying on the couch watching tv. He NEVER does that. This is our first bout with a real sickness in regards to Caden. Poor kid. He's so pale. Needless to say - we didn't do a whole lot on the weekend. I'm having a hard time just keeping up at home because of not feeling so well but we'll just keep plugging along. Caden and I are just staying home today and we'll see how he does.