The sun is shining and I'm getting excited for a big weekend. I had errands to run and I must admit, I'm a little bit antsy. SO - I loaded up the triplets and we got our groceries and ran a couple of errands. I wanted to treat myself to a starbucks coffee so I decided to take the boys. They had their first Starbucks trip today. They picked out a cookie or a muffin and sat at the table so nicely. I waited for my drink and then we all sat together. It was really fun. Nice to be out and amongst other human beings for a change ! And every time I realize a little more freedom, due to the kids getting older and better behaved, I get really excited. It's fun. And they are so cute. Liam was saying Hi to everyone and introducing himself and asking them their names. :) The boys always make people smile. It's one of their gifts to the world !