Here's a little about our last couple of weeks. On friday night we made our third leprechaun trap. Elijah and Michael came over and worked hard on making it. I wonder if it will work?
Here's the trap. It's a rainbow with a cloud disguised basket. When the leprechaun picks up the money the basket will fall on him and capture him inside the basket.
I'm sorry to say that for yet another year, that sneaky leprechaun got away. But he left the kids some treats and fun St. Patrick's day things.
Last weekend was the church league hockey tournament and the kids really wanted to go. I had to take pictures to show what 'going to a hockey game' means to the kids....
Asking for drinks over and over again.
Begging for candy from the candy machines
Oh look - watching hockey! Sort of.
Running through the chairs
I didn't get a good 'wrestling on the dirty floor' picture but that is included for sure! They had lots of fun anyway and love to cheer "go daddy go" whether he is on the ice or not :)