How in the world do you teach your kids about the poverty in the world and here at home when they have so much more than they could ever need? I don't have some big philosophical answer to this. I just know we have to start somewhere. So, for our Family Joy Project we sat down and reminded the boys about how JOY comes in being Generous and in doing things for others. We tried to explain what life is like around the world. And we showed them a youtube video called Generation Hope . It's the most recent mini movie made by Mary's Meals. Basically what they do is provide one meal a day to children - at school. They purchase the products from local farmers, etc. and hire local people. The best part - with my canadian dollar - I can feed one child for a year with $16. Seriously? An entire year? And it means they get to go to school? And grow up to go to college and have jobs and give back. Oh my goodness. We have supported Mary's Meals ever sin...