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Our Weekend - A Nonsensical Tale

Hello to you, my peeps, my confidantes, you people who I shall rule one day. It is time for another installment of the Mooney Files. Star Date 20061119.

It was a cold night. Too Cold. The kind of cold that makes you put warmer clothes on. That has nothing to do with the story. I am just ranting.

Ok, so back to my story. We had just had a weekend with the Pippus Clan minus the mini Pippuses. I guess that wouldn't be the whole clan. More like a Pippus delegation that is there to represent the entire Pippus collective for the purpose of setting up some kind of trade agreement. The purpose for this visit, however, was the Clearview Christian Camp board meeting that was held on Saturday. We did all of our traditional activities. The "I can stay up longer than you" contest, the "embarrass Tim at NHL 2006" event, and of course, my personal favourite, the "..." (sorry. What happens at the condo, stays at the condo :). That is the first rule of... uh.... condo club)

Anywho, the weekend was a blast. I only cried once at the board meeting, but I feel I came away from the ordeal a better man.

Caden was his usual fun self. When he is with us, he acts like the Lord of the Land. He orders us around, throws his food at us, poops all up his back and onto his head, that sort of thing. But when we have visitors, the Dr. Jekyl side of his personality emerges. He turns into the sweetest baby you have ever seen. Smiling and laughing. Cracking jokes and serving drinks. He is quite the performer. But like any circus act, he needs his break from time to time. On one of these occasions, we put him in his crib for some much needed personal time. We told him he could do Yoga or practice some Tai Chi in his crib but that he needed to have a bit me time. But, being the social butterfly he is combined with his Diva type personality (first borns, go figure) he would not settle down. We could hear him through the Monitor. He was not in a place of Zen. But eventually he quited down and we figured he had drifted off to sleep to dream of other babies that have bigger heads that were of course serving him.

When the girls got home (yes, they were brave enough to leave Tim and me alone with Caden and no we didn't put peanut butter on his head and let the dogs lick it off) they figured they had better go and check on Caden. And here is what they found.

It is quite plain to see that he wore himself out trying to eat through the bars of his physical cage. We were thankful that he didn't escape to join that Anne Geddes cult. Nobody will exploit our baby, unless of course we do it ourselves for our own amusement.

Well that is all for now. Stay tuned for more rivetting tales of love, loss, and of course betrayal in "The Mooney Files."

Bye for now.



Anonymous said…
Justin - your blog stuff is the funniest stuff I have ever read! You are hilarious!!! Seriously, I don't know where you come up with this stuff, but it is great!!!

I especially liked that part about you beating me at "NHL 2006" - I laughed so hard that milk almost shot out of my nose (and I haven't drank milk in days!) :)

As they would say on Seinfeld "That's gold Jerry!" :)

Good stuff!
Anonymous said…
I saw you cry more than once at the meeting. be truthful...anyway, looking forward to seeing you guys this week! have a gooder.

Anonymous said…

Thoroughly enjoying your STAR GATE files (is that right, I will have to go and check? - it's an age thing).

Keep it up.

PS Some day little Caden is going to get "even" - don't you think?


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