Caden is still as busy as ever. He's climbing on everything and if we leave the gate to the stairs open even for a second he zooms over there and heads up - laughing of course because he thinks he's really gotten one over on us. He's also started a new game where he crawls away from you as fast as he can go and laughs away. He's fun unless you are trying to get him dressed! And the best news of all - he's been sleeping through the night for 2 weeks now (minus the one night he did get up). I can't tell you how incredibly happy that makes me. If you have kids I guess you know!!
It was a cool day. Almost too cold. The kind of cold that makes you rethink your very existence.... Boy. I am waaaay to tired for that. So I will give you the un-dramatic version. So, we are getting bombarded with requests for an update and pictures. So I will oblige and provide you with all the gory details. Actually, there are no gory details. In what can only be described as an amazing answer to many prayers, the new Mooney babies were brought into this world with no problems what so ever. We entered the hospital at 10:00 in the morning and were taken to the surgery room around 12:00 noon. At exactly 12:38, the first baby, Dylan Michael was born weighing in at 6 pounds even. Then, also at 12:38, Evan Timothy also charged into the world weighing in at 5.2 pounds. Then, at 12:39 Liam David was born weighing 4.8 pounds. For those of you good at math, that is a whopping 16 pounds worth of babies. 16 POUNDS!!! And even though them just being born at 36 weeks and 5 days isn...