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Showing posts from August, 2007

Come see the animals!

We took a day trip to Weyburn yesterday to visit with Sherry and the kids. It was lots of fun and as a bonus they took us to see some animals at a park there. This is the closest Caden has been to anything besides some dogs and cats (and a couple of roosters in Calgary). He was enthralled and especially loved the sheep. He really wanted to get closer to the horse than I would let him (there was a note saying he may nip) plus I don't like getting that close to horses :).

Good Omens

I am looking for good omens! Some people get a little superstitious when going through IVF. Here's my list of good omens. We got our call from the clinic after a one month wait and their waiting list is 2-3 months! I start my prescriptions on Sept. 1 which is Justin's parents' anniversary and my dad's birthday. We have our embryo transfer right before thanksgiving (which is when Justin proposed to me). The embryologist thinks being more aggressive is a good idea (we're doing a different process that will raise our chances of success) and the baby's due date would be close to Justin's bday (and another good friends'). So many good feeling type of things. People say 3 is a charm so I'm going to go with that (as opposed to 3 times and your out :) ). Here's to a positive attitude - I'm working on it. Oh and look how successful the first time has been .....

The Roller Coaster

So I was thinking about roller coasters yesterday. I'm not a big ride person. I just don't have the need for the adrenaline rush. Not one of those people. Unfortunately life in the infertility world is a roller coaster. Every book, article and blog I've read uses this term. You live for good news, sometimes get disappointing news. The highs and lows can be quite extreme too. Well, we are once again on the roller coaster. Yesterday was an "up" day because we got the call from the clinic in Calgary to say we can start another 'treatment'. This is exceptionally welcome news because there is a 2-3 month wait and it's only been one month. YAY. I had just about given up getting a call this month. Now I just wait for my box of prescriptions to show up at my door. I start taking stuff on Sept. 1st and go for the embryo transfer the first week of Oct. What that means for my life for the next month and a half is hormonal mood swings (ups and downs in and of itse...

A visit to great grandma's

We took a trip to Moose Jaw last night. Justin's grandma lives there and had some company as well. Justin's mom Judy and her sister Donna were there. Donna's daughter Cassandra and her boys were also there. It was a fun visit and in just that short time we got supper from a colonel (sanders of course),played with a teddy bear that sings and the tiniest suitcase you've ever seen. We also ate pig cookies very carefully made by great grandma. The older kids thought that they were pretty cool. Well, so did the rest of us, truth be told! That's love in the shape of pigs !!


I was hoping Justin might blog about this and who knows - maybe he will sometime. He has started taking Scuba Diving lessons towards a certification. If I have it right he does 3 written tests, 3 pool times and 2 open water dives to get it. Right now he has done 2 of the tests, one pool and one open water dive. This is something that has been on his "no opportunity wasted" / "things to do before I die" list. He's pretty excited to be going for it. He did his open water dive last sunday up by Rowan's Ravine and apparently the water was really dirty and murky so he couldn't see much but it'll be worth it when he goes to Mexico or somewhere and dives in the beautiful ocean water. I, on the other hand, have no desire to do that. I'm too claustrophobic and I hate the feeling of living things swimming against my legs and stuff. Not a real nature girl I guess. I do recognize that I'll really be missing out on a beautiful experience and in seeing mor...

My Baby

I have been going through my pictures with the intention of scrapbooking. I did 3 pages last summer and nothing since so I am getting my stuff together to try and get caught up now and not when Caden is 10 or 20 or something. Anyway - what naturally happens whenever you get looking at pictures - you get nostalgic. Can you be nostalgic about only one year ago? Well I am. His infancy is over and it was a good time. I enjoyed it so much. The lack of sleep and pain of surgery were a small price to pay for the gloriousness of having my awesome little boy. Look how little he was. Today as I write this I keep getting up in the middle of sentences to get him down off of the kitchen chair or to save him from some other precarious situation (he just got stuck between the wall and the living room chair) and I'm still having fun. I know that time flies. I have heard it from every friend I know who has children. The next thing I know he'll be moving away to go to college or getting marrie...

Fun in the sun

We have had a very full and fun week since I blogged last. Carissa came over on wednesday and we met up with Crystal and Laurie and the Bouchard kids at the park. The next day Carissa came again and Caleb joined us as well. We played in Caden's little pool in the yard which turned out to be more fun for the big kids than I expected - they even gave themselves mud baths. That night my brother Chris, his wife Sherry and their kids came for the night and for some of friday. Justin's parents came for the weekend and Judy, Caden and I were able to go to the buffalo days parade. This is Caden's first parade and he spent most of it with his mouth hanging open and a look of "what in the world is going on" on his face. He did dance to any music that was played along the way. All in all it has been a great few days! Here are some pics. Carissa and Caleb at the park Emily and Caden on the teeter totter Making big use of our itty bitty pool Mud baths Cousin Lana Uncle C...