I am looking for good omens! Some people get a little superstitious when going through IVF. Here's my list of good omens. We got our call from the clinic after a one month wait and their waiting list is 2-3 months! I start my prescriptions on Sept. 1 which is Justin's parents' anniversary and my dad's birthday. We have our embryo transfer right before thanksgiving (which is when Justin proposed to me). The embryologist thinks being more aggressive is a good idea (we're doing a different process that will raise our chances of success) and the baby's due date would be close to Justin's bday (and another good friends'). So many good feeling type of things. People say 3 is a charm so I'm going to go with that (as opposed to 3 times and your out :) ). Here's to a positive attitude - I'm working on it.
Oh and look how successful the first time has been .....