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Showing posts from October, 2008

My Dragon

Here's the cutest dragon ever!!! He's starting to get the idea of what halloween is all about. And it appears as if he's going to get to go trick or treating with his daddy tonight. YAY!! RRROOOOAAARRRR!!!! We went for our pre-op info meeting and blood work at the hospital this morning so all the forms are filled out and everything is ready to go for monday. Even if it happens this weekend it'll be handy to have all this done already. We watched a video explaining everything - that was lovely :). I just can't believe we are 72 hours away!! So exciting.

Happy Face Jack 'o lantern

Last night Justin and Caden worked on our jack o'lantern. Caden had chosen a 'happy face' pumpkin instead of a 'scary face' one, so that's what they did. Caden was not at all interested in touching the guts of the pumpkin. I was not surprised by this in the least. They had fun though and Caden's favorite part was blowing the candle out afterwards :) Happy Halloween! Oh - and our appt. yesterday was uneventful. The babies still appear to be fine. I'm huge. I'm measuring 50 cm and full term is 40 cm (that's top to bottom of belly). Dr. Cardoso chuckled when he told me. I'm glad he thinks its funny. Tomorrow we go back to the hospital for a couple of hours of pre-op info and then finally on monday we get to meet our babies!! I can't wait.

36 weeks!!

Well, today is 36 weeks. I still cannot believe it but I'm very happy for what it means as far as the babies' development. Makes me wonder if they'll need to be in the NICU much at all. We've just been so blessed so far!! I'm feeling pretty 'ugh' these days but there are only 5 more sleeps - if I make it. We are hoping I will because tonight is slotted for Jack ' o lantern making with Caden and then I'm wanting Justin to be able to take him out for awhile on halloween. He (Caden not Justin) has a pretty cute Dragon costume and a little pumpkin container to take around with him and we've gotten him all psyched about it. I want him to get to go. What a funny thing to explain to a kid though hey? "You go to people's houses while in costume and get candy (which isn't good for you) from strangers". NICE! Anyway - I have been having more cramping, lower back pain and just 'tightenings' I guess. So it feels as if my ...

Gettin' there

Here I am at almost 36 weeks, measuring 45.5 inches around and wearing Justin's clothes because none of mine fit anymore. And just standing here for the picture made me tired and my back started to hurt :). We are now in countdown mode... 7 more sleeps, or less until these babies will be born. Can't wait!!!


SO, I don't sleep really well these days and I think it disturbs Justin's sleep as well. Either that or we're both just so anxious about when these babies are going to come that we can't fall into a deep sleep. Anyway - what do you think this means? I rolled over last night (that is a big job by the way) and Justin sits up in bed and says "SSHH - you're going to wake up the rest of the elves". I mean what the heck? Made me laugh anyway..

35 weeks

We just got back from yet another appointment. Things are still looking good with the babies. I'm measuring 43 weeks. And it feels like it!! We have the c-section booked for Nov.3 so within 10 days, at the most, our little babies will be here!! I'm feeling pretty tired these days but overall I'm amazed I'm not feeling worse. God has really been taking care of us and I'm trying to put my faith in Him and not worry about the surgery or about the babies' health. I'll just be glad to be on the other side of all of that. Not long now :)

Dodged another bullet :)

Officials at Regina hospital say outbreak of C. difficile over in neonatal ICU Provided by: The Canadian Press Written by: THE CANADIAN PRESS Oct. 18, 2008 REGINA - Health officials say a neonatal intensive care unit in the Regina General Hospital has been given the all-clear and a C. difficile outbreak is over. Earlier this week, the Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region said nine babies had tested positive for Clostridium difficile. Five of the nine babies had received antibiotics after the outbreak was detected on Oct. 2, and their symptoms cleared. The remaining four infants received treatment on Wednesday and have since tested negative and are free of symptoms. Isolation precautions have also been lifted at the hospital. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada's website, C. difficile bacteria cause diarrhea and more serious intestinal conditions like colitis. It's one of the most common diarrheal infections in hospitals and long-term care facilities. ...

A really good day

I'm feeling much better now :). The flu is gone, I'm feeling not too bad and I'm just really excited to meet our new babies. It won't be too much longer. The longest it can possibly be is 2 weeks. That's when our C-section is booked for (Nov.3). I just cannot wait to see them!!! Being on bedrest has made it feel like a long time but it's coming to an end. Oh, it's just so exciting!! And last night, friends came over and we had pizza and hung out - just like we used to :). Again - another great treat. We are so grateful to everyone out there who is praying and waiting and being excited right along with us. We just have the most wonderful people around us. Thanks everybody and we'll keep you posted!

A quick update

I'm not feeling too well today - just getting over the flu - but I know people come here for updates so I thought I'd quickly write that things are still going well (not counting the hideous flu!). Caden and Justin have both been feeling a little sick as well but luckily it hasn't gotten as bad. We loved having some family and some friends here over the long weekend. It felt like a holiday at home. Which, of course, is the only kind I can have at the moment. I would have liked to have gone to some of the lectureship stuff but what can you do!!! I am now 34 weeks and 1 day which is just great. And that is about it. Today, in particular, I'm feeling a little low. I'm tired of waiting and being on bedrest. I'm still hoping for another week or two but some days it just gets really old. I'm sort of mourning my old life a little. that life that I'll never have again. It's a strange thought. Don't get me wrong, my new life is going to be fan...


Gymnastics is Caden's big 2 year old 'activity'. I'm not one to think kids need to be in a million different activities but figured that this year he could use something of his own. Especially once the babies get here. He loves it, it teaches him to listen to the teacher and to follow instructions and it burns off some of that little boy energy. I went to the first couple classes and now Justin takes him and he seems to have gotten much better at following the directions and figuring out how to do stuff. He loves to come home and tell me all about it. The trampoline is by far the highlight. Here are a few pictures.

A little disconcerting

So, we had another dr's appointment today. Everything is still looking good. We've made it to 33 weeks. That's 3 wks since the dr. originally had me admitted into the hospital. What a relief to not have had to be there this entire time. I'm now measuring 41 weeks and feel HUGE. I can hardly move anymore, let alone breathe. I'm relieved that the babies are still doing well and staying put. The disconcerting part - the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit- where preemies go) here is full. Apparently they sent a lady with twins to Toronto today. AAAHHH! I don't want to fly to Toronto (or Vancouver, according to the dr.). So I CAN'T have these babies yet. And I guess we just pray and hope that whenever these babies do decide to come, that there is room in there for them. Now I'm kind of worrying but I keep just telling myself that God is taking care of us. He's gotten us this far. Plus - If we are really lucky, I'll last 3 more weeks a...

How big is she now?

What does a 5'0" woman 33 wks pregnant with triplets look like? Well, here I am at (almost) 33 wks. I'm measuring full term.

My belly is too big to go to church

That's what Caden tells everyone when he and his dad go to church without me "mom at home, belly too big, no church". I miss everyone there and wish I could be there. Not a whole lot to tell of the last few days. We are still waiting and thankfully there are still no signs of the babies coming. I'm happy each morning to have made it to another day. My ribs really hurt though which I suppose is because those poor kids are stuffed in there and have no where else to go. I don't sleep real well between having to go to the bathroom and having a sore back and fidgety legs. I sound like I'm whining but I'm not. Obviously I'm going to be uncomfortable! I can handle that. It's a pretty amazing thing to see all those feet and elbows moving around in there. We've had lots of visits which is super nice. I even talked Justin into letting me ride around in the car with them yesterday while he ran some errands. Just to see something beyond our st...

Dr's appointment - 32 weeks

I got to go outside today!! YAY! Just feeling the sun on my back as I walked to the car was wonderful! (it's been a week since I've been outside!) I really just wanted to go for a walk. I miss walking. But I was headed to my drs. appointment. Everything still appears to be going well. The ultrasound showed the babies to be about 3.5 lbs, 4 lbs and 4.5 lbs. That's a little slower growth than they've been having but she said that that was totally normal at this stage (for triplets). We could see them breathing and one had hiccups. They are looking pretty smushed in there but she said they still have lots of fluid. I'm measuring 39 weeks - so as big as a full term mom. Bedrest appears to be helping - so I'm back at home and resting. I'm also very very tired from the outing. I feel like I've been jogging or something. Whew.... He booked my c-section for Oct.29th (my 36 wks) in case I make it that far. There is no way I will make it til the ...