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36 weeks!!

Well, today is 36 weeks. I still cannot believe it but I'm very happy for what it means as far as the babies' development. Makes me wonder if they'll need to be in the NICU much at all. We've just been so blessed so far!! I'm feeling pretty 'ugh' these days but there are only 5 more sleeps - if I make it. We are hoping I will because tonight is slotted for Jack ' o lantern making with Caden and then I'm wanting Justin to be able to take him out for awhile on halloween. He (Caden not Justin) has a pretty cute Dragon costume and a little pumpkin container to take around with him and we've gotten him all psyched about it. I want him to get to go. What a funny thing to explain to a kid though hey? "You go to people's houses while in costume and get candy (which isn't good for you) from strangers". NICE!

Anyway - I have been having more cramping, lower back pain and just 'tightenings' I guess. So it feels as if my body is starting to get ready to let these babies out. I think the babies might be wanting out too because they move and roll around and kick - constantly. All night and day. It's crazy. I am getting some sleep though - only up one or two times a night to go to the bathroom. I hear I'm lucky it isn't more often!

We have our last dr's appt late this afternoon - I'm not sure they'll check much - just make sure that the babies aren't in any kind of distress likely.

I want to know how many of you think I'll make it to monday for my scheduled c-section and how many think the babies will come before that. I'm just curious.....


Anonymous said…
Both sets of twins were born at 36 weeks. They all spent 5 days in the NICU. The girls didn't need to at all. I guess the NICU wanted extra work or something,
I think since you have made it this fat that you will make it till monday. Way to go on hitting 36 weeks.
The Hudson's said…
I just keep hoping you manage to skip Friday. Not much fun to have your birthday over-shadowed by Halloween. But hey, if they come Friday, we will all be just as happy!!!!

Good Luck!!!
Anonymous said…
My prognostication is Saturday, November 1 and my guess is that it is going to be 3 boys with a total combined weight of 14 lbs 3oz. The four of you will stay in the hospital for 6 days, while at home, Justin will develop some minor, yet weird, rash and Bailey will run away one more time.
Have I said we're exited yet? Can't wait..can't wait...can't wait.
Love Uncle James
haha, James...what a funny guy he is!!

You are doing so great. I think you'll hold out until c-section day. Go Jen!!
Laurie said…
well, I think you have gotten this far, you likely can make it to the surgery date!!

However, in the back of my mind I do wonder about Friday!??? Which I hope Caden gets to go trick or treatn' with his dad.......

THinking of you!
Anonymous said…
I just pray for your sake that you DON'T go into labour on your own and it's not an emergency c-section as a result. Hoping too that you do bypass halloween, but if it's 'decided' that this is their special day, then as long as you're all safe - great. I'm hoping for Nov. 2nd - no real reason, just a nice number.
Anonymous said…
I think His perfect plan includes you all going in for the arrival of your three blessings on Monday, as scheduled. I am praying the next chapter of your lives begins without trepidation and full of God's glory, grace and so very many answered prayers.
Kristi said…
36 weeks yeh!!
I think you will make it until Monday. We can't wait to here the news. We will kep praying. This is so exciting!!
Anonymous said…
YOu've done amazing Jen- wow.
I'm thinking Caden will get his Halloween, but you'll have them on the 1st!?! Who knows, hey! But it's fun to guess!
HOpe you can enjoy your last few days!
Jenn J
Craig,Leah,Lena said…
my guess is...Sunday. late on sunday night. but still arriving on sunday.
after all, you have a cute little costume to put on Caden for Halloween.
and November is a good month for birthdays! the original date was a really, really good one, but the month is almost as good!
Enjoy your weekend!

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