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Showing posts from April, 2009

Conversations with Caden

From Justin: I got to tell you. 3 years old is an awesome age. Caden does so much stuff on his own, he helps out a bit, he tries to run into traffic, lots of fun stuff. But the thing I like the most is the crazy stuff that comes out of his mouth. It is fascinating to me how his brain works and the different things he picks up on. Granted, most of the stuff comes from TV because I for sure don't teach him anything. Thank goodness for TV. YAY!!! Anyway, I thought I would pass on some conversations we have had with Caden these past few weeks. I hope you enjoy them. Conversation 1: Hockey Hockey Hockey This one isn't so much a conversation as it was just something Caden did that was cute. So let me draw the picture. Caden is sitting on the floor in front of his rod hockey game. Then he starts to sing. Caden Singing: Jesus loves the little children. All the children of world. English Irish. Uh Uh Jew. And the Canadian too. Jesus loves the children of the world. Caden: ...

Another quick update

What a day! What a week! I feel exhausted - but in a good way. I've been up to see dad once a day over the past 3 days. He's resting lots. He looks great today, has been up and walking a bit. He's eating and sitting up. Things are going well. They are keeping his blood pressure in check and giving him stuff for pain. He's down to just taking Tylenol for that though. It's amazing. Next week is Caden's birthday so I've got to get organized for that. He wants a hockey birthday. Should be fun. We got tickets to see Max and Ruby and Banana's in Pajamas at the arts center. Last year we went to see Thomas the Tank Engine in Calgary. I haven't had to plan much of anything for his birthdays so far !! Lucky me. Although I must admit, buying these tickets has made me mourn the Tim McGraw and Bon Jovi days. Oh, well!! And for those of you looking for baby updates, I promise to take some pictures and video and get something on here before too l...

Surgery is done

I just got back from the hospital. Dad's surgery is done and we're waiting for him to wake up. The surgeon said that everything went really well. He did a quadruple bypass and was done quite quickly. What a relief!

It's tomorrow

My dad is scheduled to go in for his bypass tomorrow morning at 8 am, unless an emergency comes in and he gets bumped. It'll be 4-6 hours. So, if you could pray for him and for the doctors tomorrow - that would be much appreciated.

Still waiting

Well, we are still waiting to find out when dad's surgery will be. In the meantime my mom is there most of the day and I get up for a bit each day. I usually take one baby with me. I alternate babies :). Today though, mom and I took all 4 boys up with us. The babies slept pretty much the whole time so it went fine. Dad is watching lots of movies to pass the time while he waits. He's so much better than I am with accepting things. I'd be going a little more crazy than that I think. Not much else to tell. The babies are doing really well. They are little celebrities on the ward. People come to dad's room just to see 'the triplets'. Some people would mind but it's not really a big deal and I just love the way they bring a smile to so many people's faces, without even trying. It's a wonderful gift they can give people, especially up there. Anyway- I'll likely post on here once we know when the surgery will be.

My dad

I guess some of you are wondering what my 'bad news' is. I wish now that I had worded that differently because there is a lot of 'good' within it. Anyway - for those of you that haven't heard, my dad has to have heart surgery. That is the bad news. He should hear today when it will be but they had suggested tues or wed. of this week. The good in it is this: - his body gave him the warning signs he needed to look into the problem - he had an angiogram in time to tell him that his left main artery is 90% blocked. If that had closed off it would have stopped the blood to the majority of his heart. That's bad! - he is not wandering around Estevan with this but is waiting in the general hospital here - where he'll be taken care of if, by the off chance, something were to happen - they are getting him in for bypass surgery as soon as they can . - Because this is preventative, there has been no heart damage. His heart is just fine. - They say this surgery h...

Good News and Bad News

Yesterday was a big day. We got some pretty bad news and some really good news. I will share the bad news later but the good news is that we have another niece!! James and Nicola had a baby girl and if you know them or want to see pictures you can check their blog at: Congratulations to you guys! We are so excited!!

Our Boys

The kids are all changing so much, so fast! I haven't been keeping up with that on here. So here is a little "where are they now" ... CADEN - Caden is a couple of weeks away from turning three and I could go on and on about him and all the things he is up to these days. I feel like he has changed from a two yr. old to a three yr. old in just this past month or so. He has always talked a lot and pretty well but I'm hearing more and more words and phrases that I hadn't heard him use before. He says s's in place of f's and a few other little things but when we practice he fixes it. He's learning so much. He loves letters and numbers and likes to learn about them. He likes us to read to him. At the same time though, he is SO full of energy. His favorite thing is to go downstairs with dad and play some hockey, some basketball, a little soccer and whatever other sport they can come up with. They also play swords and he now has a little golf set th...

They're eating food!

Well, it was finally time to start the kids on solids. Solids of course means runny rice cereal but I guess it's a tad more solid than formula and hey, it's on a spoon so it must be somewhat solid right!? Anyway - it was fun to watch them taste it and spit it out. They were all fine with it, Dylan even ended up swallowing some. Here's a few pics: LIAM EVAN (he just didn't want to hold up his head for some reason so I had to for some of it) DYLAN


We are back from a bit of a break. I took the kids to Estevan last week - on my own!! - and then Justin met up with us for the weekend. It was fun and a nice change of scenery. I timed the drive during the kids' nap and they cooperated by sleeping the entire way. I had brought Dvd's for Caden just in case. But we ended up singing and talking the whole way instead. It was really good. Before that though, Caden made some Easter eggs for the first time. He seemed to really enjoy it. We just did the simple color wax on the egg and then dip. Here's a picture of the babies just hanging out in their diapers. On tuesday the boys and I went to Sherry's in Weyburn for the day and then to Estevan that night. It was really nice to spend all that time with family and some friends that are like family! The Easter Bunny came to grandma and grandpa's and Caden was pretty excited to wake up and see treats everywhere. He ran around collecting them. It's neat now that ...

So little time

We are still alive! That's the point of this blog entry. It's been a week since the last one ,and I have lots that I would like to blog about, but I'm too tired right now and the rest of the time I've had a lot of other things going on. So, keep checking back - I will blog again before too long - when I have a little more energy. Things are good, we've been doing lots of stuff and seeing lots of people and really enjoying it. The babies just turned 5 months old and I'll be writing a little about each of them and what they are up to these days. It goes by fast doesn't it!