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Conversations with Caden

From Justin:

I got to tell you. 3 years old is an awesome age. Caden does so much stuff on his own, he helps out a bit, he tries to run into traffic, lots of fun stuff. But the thing I like the most is the crazy stuff that comes out of his mouth. It is fascinating to me how his brain works and the different things he picks up on. Granted, most of the stuff comes from TV because I for sure don't teach him anything. Thank goodness for TV. YAY!!!

Anyway, I thought I would pass on some conversations we have had with Caden these past few weeks. I hope you enjoy them.

Conversation 1: Hockey Hockey Hockey
This one isn't so much a conversation as it was just something Caden did that was cute. So let me draw the picture. Caden is sitting on the floor in front of his rod hockey game. Then he starts to sing.
Caden Singing: Jesus loves the little children. All the children of world. English Irish. Uh Uh Jew. And the Canadian too. Jesus loves the children of the world.
Caden: Ok. Song's over, let's play hockey.

I asked him about it later. Why did you sing before you played? He said that you have to sing before you play hockey. I think he gets that from watching them sing the Anthem before the games on TV.

(on a completely unrelated note, in Church this past Sunday I was leading singing. Jen told me that as we were singing, Caden was playing the air guitar. Then, all through the Lord's supper, he kept saying "Go Flames Go" to the boys that were sitting in front of us. So cute. But I digress.)

Conversation 2: I'm Mad
One thing about Caden is, when he get's mad, he puts his whole heart into it. He crosses his arms, he will slam his bedroom door (gets that from his Mother) and his voice gets all gravelly and he likes to yell. Not really temper tantrum ish, he just really wants us to know he is mad. It is kind of funny actually.

So, here I am sitting on the Couch and Caden comes down the hall being mad. Then he walks up to me and says...

Caden: I am MAD!!!
Justin: Hey Bud. How come you are so mad??
Caden: I'm Mad because mommy is mad at me!!
Justin: How come Mom's mad at you??
Caden: Mommy's mad at me and so now I am MAD!!!!
Justin: What happened? Why is Mommy mad at you??
Caden: I just, I just, I just, I just...
Justin: what??
Caden: I just pee'd on mommy and then she got MAD!!! And Now I'm MAD!!
Justin: (wipes a laughing tear from his eye) You... (wipes another tear) pee'd on Mommy and now she's mad. How unreasonable.
Caden: Ya. And now I am MAD!!
Justin: Well, perhaps in the future you shouldn't pee on Mommy. Then maybe she wouldn't get mad.

It turns out that he didn't really intentionally pee on Mommy. He just didn't have things aimed properly and it just got away from him a bit. Poor Caden, and Mommy.

Conversation 3 : I like Shiny
For this conversation, I need to give a bit of a summary. For some reason, Caden decided he needs our help to go to the bathroom. I am not certain why as he is fully capable, but he is very insistent and if we don't go help him, he ends up peeing in his underwear a bit cause he just can't hold it.

So, I was at home with all the babies and Caden. It was feeding time so I made sure I took Caden to the washroom first so that he wouldn't make me get up in the middle of feeding the babies. Cause heaven forbid you take a bottle out of a babies mouth when they are eating. For that baby, it is like the world is coming to an end and you are robbing of them of that life saving nectar of the gods. (they also inherited their mother's dramatic nature :)

So after Caden was done and re-dressed, I got comfortable with my maternity pillow and began feeding 2 babies at once. Half way through Caden comes running up and says he has to go to the bathroom again. I tell him I can't get up and he will just have to go on his own this time. After all, how much did he really have to go when I just took him like 10 minutes ago. Eventually he decides he can go on his own so off he runs to the bathroom and I continue feeding.

About 5 minutes later, I am still feeding babies and I hear the front door open. I say...

Justin: CADEN!!! Come back inside and shut the door.
Caden: I just... I just.... I just....
Justin: No CADEN. You need to come back in side and shut the door. You aren't allowed to go out into the front yard without me or Mommy. OK.
Caden: Okay Daddy.
Justin: Uh.... Caden.... You don't have any clothes on. Where are all your clothes? Why are you outside naked.
Caden: Daddy. I just wanted to get some fresh air so my Bum will get all Shiny and Clean
Justin: You what?? (wipes tear from his eye) You want to go outside why??
Caden: Daddy. I just go sit on the front step and get fresh air so my Bum will get Shiny and Clean.
Justin: Uh. Okay. Well, how about you bring me your clothes and I will help you get dressed again. And from now on, don't go and sit on the front step without any clothes. Okay??
Caden: Okay Daddy.

I am pretty sure that every day he says something that either makes me laugh out loud or melts my heart. My favourite times are cuddling with him when I put him to Bed. My favourite words are "I love you Daddy" or "You are my favorite Daddy". (although lately he has started saying he loves Mommy more. Then I get sad and he says, But, I love you and Mommy.)

It's crazy the amount of Love I feel for him (and all my kids). In a heartbeat without thinking twice and having no regrets I would gladly lay down my life for him. I hurt already just thinking about the hurts he will feel as he grows up. I try to think up games for us to play where I get to hug and kiss him cause I know he won't always want to. And I am already dreading the day he moves away and I won't get to see him and talk to him every day.

So for now, I will continue to treasure every conversation, every game, every bed time story, every hug and kiss. And I will continue to pray that time will not go by so quickly.



Anonymous said…
Love it!!!You guys are soooo blessed!! cd
Carolyn said…
Justin - didn't know you had it in you to bring a tear to my eye.

I love your thoughts and so feel the same about my boys.
Anonymous said…
How wonderful to hear a father's side of the story! I am so glad that you enjoy Caden so much and are able to share some of the funny and heartwarming things that you go through! You really do wonder where they get some of their ideas, don't you!?
Have a great day,
Anonymous said…
I am laughing and laughing....again...sigh.
that boy is entertaining! And you are a good daddy! have fun!
Crystal Quilliams said…
Thanks for the laughs, I had to read them to Paul & Bryson....our family has been blessed with your stories. Would you expect any differently out of your child??? He is an offspring of the one and only JUSTIN MOONEY!!!!
Enjoy and keep those stories coming! Also... you should enter them into readers digest you could win some money!!!

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