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Showing posts from October, 2009

A sick boy and the past couple of weeks

This is the sick little guy that I have at my house today. Evan has been sick since sunday afternoon with a fever and cough. Poor little guy. He slept most of the day yesterday. He is somewhat better today but has a ways to go yet. And talk about kicking ya when you are down. Liam saw an opportunity to snatch his soother and took it. He's pretty proud of himself too! You can see the soother in his hand at the edge of the picture. Poor guy!! I've spent the better part of the day so far just keeping Dylan and Liam from torturing Evan. I was kind of freaking out at first. I wasn't sure how I was going to handle all 4 kids when one of them needed so much of my one on one attention. And what if the rest of them got that needy!? AAHH. It has turned out not too bad. Dylan is coughing but is still basically himself. Liam is being great. He's usually really wanting attention but today he is just playing on his own. Well, except for the soother stealing thing! H...


I haven't been able to put video up for the last little while but now I can so here are a few. The first one is Dylan's attempt at walking. This was just in the last day or two. The second one is of the boys during their bedtime meltdown. It was especially dramatic, just in time for the camera! And the third one was taken seconds after the crying one - just to prove that we don't actually leave them unhappy like that :)

Family Time

Time is really flying by for me these days and time on the computer is dwindling all the time! Things are going well. The kids are sleeping somewhat better now. There is still usually one that needs a soother by 530 or so, or even a bottle but we often make it past 7 before having to actually get up for the day. We had a great thanksgiving. Took in a bit of the lectureship stuff at Western and just enjoyed spending time with the Pippus' and having a turkey dinner. The babies are sneaking up on their one year birthday (Nov.3). Dylan walked yesterday. I call it walked b/c he took about 5 or 6 steps to get from the coffee table to the tv stand. And he just stood up and decided to do it. At the same time he is getting some teeth and it seems to really be bothering him. He has red cheeks and wakes up crying some in the night. Liam is getting another tooth too, just barely. Dylan now says "Hi" and "Uh - oh". Liam says "uh -oh" too. Evan still ju...

At My Mom and Dad's

The weekend before thanksgiving we went down to my parents' place. These are a few pictures from hanging out there. The big kids and Caden were busy and I never caught up with them to get a picture! But they were there.

A Picture

Click on this link to see a great picture of our triplets. Trinda had been taking some family pictures for us and then we tried to get a few of just the kids afterwards. Even though this isn't your typical 'smiley' picture, it's one of my favorites of the boys. I mean check out Dylan's lip and what are the words you'd put to Liam's expression?

Typical Dylan

Oh my goodness, this was so funny I had to take a picture. I was aware that he might fall but I couldn't miss this one. I did stay nearby just in case. Can you believe this guy? This is SO DYLAN! He finished his bananas and saw that Liam still had his. I put them facing each other so that they can interact and hang out. A perfect opportunity... and Dylan never misses an opportunity! Also - this morning, I had put the boys in their high chairs and was around the corner getting their breakfast. I heard a thud and looked around. There was Dylan, on the ground. He didn't cry or anything but he did climb out of his chair. I guess I'd better keep that kid strapped down! :) Oh and I just noticed Liam's expression. It looks like he's shocked but in reality, he didn't care. Makes for a good picture though !

A really really good night

Well, all 3 babies slept for 11 hours (the same 11 hours) last night. 8pm - 7am. Absolutely unbelievable. Unfortunately Caden was up once but that wasn't a big deal. Up once all night! Yee Haw!! I must tell you all though that it was Justin's night. Figures :) Tonight is another night.... but no matter what - I call this a success. After a weekend where my mom and dad did most of the night time stuff and a pretty decent night the night before last ( D & L slept all night - Evan was up a few times but not for long), I finally don't feel like crawling under the bed and hiding for a week or running away to a very quiet kid free place. And best of all, I don't feel like I'm walking through water b/c my body and my mind ache. It's a kind of freedom I tell you! It only took eleven months! I am under no delusions that this will last forever but I'm enjoying this moment! :) I'm hoping to post a few pics from this past weekend. Stay tuned. And reme...

Finally - some pictures....

First of all, here is what it looks like to try and do stuff in the kitchen when the kids are awake: This is loading the dishwasher... and opening the fridge. You sort of slide a kid to the side with your foot to open and close it :) and, yes, Dylan has a black eye. He fell against a toy. Makes him look tough dontchya think? Another new development is the moms and tots group that meets at my house now. This picture doesn't have all the kids in it. They don't all fit in one picture :). We meet once a week and so far I think it's tonnes of fun. It's just so nice for us all to get together. Caden was watching out the window for people to come for about 45 minutes before they came. He was pretty excited. Evan and his new friend Cole. I have to watch my boys b/c they will just bowl everyone else's baby over if I'm not careful. They are used to it but those other babies must be wondering what is going on! Some of the littler ones crashed on the floor. We hav...