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The good, the bad and the.... well, the still really cute.

Like the title says - we've had some good times and some not so good times in the past couple of days. Sunday was a really good day. We got some work done at the house and had some fun. The best part though was that Justin and Caden were able to go kayaking. Caden's first time. He had so much fun. They went at Wascana Park - you can rent canoes and kayak's. They spent the hour just out on the water. I wish the rest of the family could have been there too but those days will come. At least Caden got to try something new and he and his dad had a nice time together (and it wasn't raining! WOO HOO!). So this is the good:

Monday was not a good day. I was up at 3am and never did get back to sleep that night. I was so tired that my only goal was to feed the kids, keep them safe (ha ha) and make it through the day or at least until Justin got home. It didn't help that the kids had the runs. I changed nearly a thousand diapers yesterday (they are much better today, in case you are wondering). I did ok til Justin got home. At about supper time we were all coming up from downstairs, my wonderful husband was making us supper and we suddenly hear Dylan crying. He and Evan are still down there. Caden goes down to check and comes back saying that Dylan is bleeding and sure enough he has a huge gash above his eyebrow and there is blood all over him. No blood anywhere else in the room though. I know this because I cannot figure out for the life of me what actually happened and no one who can talk saw it. We will never know what gave Dylan this injury. I feel bad. Anyway - Justin took him to the clinic and did his best to amuse him for the hour they had to wait in a boring waiting room. I sent toys, books, food and drink, and then he still had 55 minutes to go :). Anyway - the procedure was awful as you'd expect. Needle goes right into sore spot to freeze it, the 20 month old boy has to be held down by his dad for something he doesn't even understand. Oh well. It is over now and he is his happy go lucky self. Still appears to love his dad - Justin was wondering about that. He'll have the stitches for the week and may still have a scar. But, he's a guy so he might even like it.

Here's the the bad:

But, as ugly as that cut is, this kid is still cuter than can be!


Laura said…
Oh Jen - this sucks for you..... Ronan has had the runs for three days now as well - and hasn't really eaten anything solid in that time - just liquids. I'm so sorry also to hear about 'the incident'. Perhaps it's a GREAT thing that you don't know what happened. The boys won't remember a thing - another blessing! Here's to brighter days ahead (and less diaper changes - but a plus there, is the diaper contains the nasty-stuff)
Laurie said…

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