What a week! Starting last friday - we had a chili supper party for the Riders/Stampeders game. Justin and Caden wore their red but as it turns out, Justin appears to be our good luck charm. He says he's never gone to a rider game or watched one with other people where they didn't win. It was an 'almost' loss but luckily we had people over so Justin's curse held true and the Riders won!

I got to go out saturday afternoon and have lunch and do a little shopping with a girlfriend - had a kid break. It was nice.
Since my days sort of run together I'll just say that we had my parents down for a night and got to go out for supper with them (thanks to Andrea for watching all 4 boys and at the last minute too!). We had a good showing out at Mom's and Tots this week. We had a soup potluck - YUMMY - and lots of fun to see everyone.

I had a coffee night out with some girlfriends - good conversation (oh - how I crave good conversation these days - and no, "will you wipe my bum" doesn't count). I got a million groceries last night - we were out of everything.
I had some frustrating moments - feeling trapped at home. It's hard not being able to just go out and run an errand right when I want to!
Evan has completed a 15 day stretch of only waking up on every second night (my nights of course). Justin hasn't had to get out of bed with him for ages and I am up at least once, sometimes twice. It's tough to not get that good sleep but, more than that, it worries me that at 22 months he still gets woken up. I wish I knew why. And I wish he would stop soon because he will be moved to a bed in a month or two. I would like him to be sleeping well by then. The other two never wake up in the night so that's good.
Caden started t-ball and had a super good time. Chattered about it all night after he got home. Last night he got to go bowling. He and Justin went with Tim McMillan and his boys , Elijah and Michael. They all had lots of fun. Check out Tim's blog for a picture.
It's funny - Caden keeps randomly listing off things he wants to do. One this summer was "I want to go canoing". That was doable so they went. He had mentioned bowling a few times. But this week, he comes out of his room in the middle of getting dressed and says "mom. I want to explore a cave". Ah, ok. So we add it to his list. He also wants to fly in an airplane and he wants to see the grand canyon. Funny kid!
Most exciting of all - we are getting a nephew (on the Mooney side) today!! Can't wait. What a full and great week!