It has been a long day and it's only 1230 in the afternoon! I could definitely use an assistant these days. I'm trying to do this 3 day potty training thing with Evan. It's something that works only if you are with the child constantly. Well, I have Dylan who was pretty reliable but today he decides to regress some. Lovely. So I'm in the bathroom with one boy getting him cleaned up and the other one is in the living room, peeing on the floor. I get over there finally to clean him up and clean the floor and the other one is asking to go again. And over and over it goes. The 2 boys have gone through 30 pairs of underwear in 5 hours. WHAT! In there I am supposed to answer the phone and make lunch? Oh brother. What a joke my life feels like right now. I feel like I'm swimming in pee and poop. I hate to be frustrated so early on in the process. But I can't give up now and I know it's only a phase. Doesn't make me any less tired right now though. And I'm hoping to work out while they nap (yesterday their nap was 45 min. shorter than usual - ick) and then it's back at it again til bedtime. That's 8:00 for them but I'm usually asleep on the couch by 830 or 9 this week.
Good times!
Good times!