I think about these words all the time. I (try to) use them to make decisions and to think about how to live each day and to work on my negative attitudes. I struggle to balance all the different areas of importance - as we all do. We have to dream about the future and be happy/content in the present. We have to do the dishes AND spend time with our children. Balance.
I also don't think this is a selfish and secular thought. God gave us this life and He expects us to Live it Fully and to me, that means always trying to hear what it is that God wants us to do with it. Not what do I WANT (although there is something to be said for the desires that God puts on our hearts). We can waste our time or we can try to get and give the most that we can within it.
Fear is a big problem here. I want to work on my fears. I think they are stopping me from pushing myself to do and be more and better.
This is where my mind is these days. I really want to make this Life all that it can and should be.
As you can see, I am looking for a new look for my blog. This one isn't quite right. I need my fantastically talented live in tech provider to help me but I hope to cheer this page up a bit! I am still going to write a lot about the kids and use this as a way for our families and friends to keep up with us but I think I'll also use it to talk about some of the things that matter to me. It's fun to get other people's thoughts and comments so please share what you think and let me know you are out there!
I think about these words all the time. I (try to) use them to make decisions and to think about how to live each day and to work on my negative attitudes. I struggle to balance all the different areas of importance - as we all do. We have to dream about the future and be happy/content in the present. We have to do the dishes AND spend time with our children. Balance.
I also don't think this is a selfish and secular thought. God gave us this life and He expects us to Live it Fully and to me, that means always trying to hear what it is that God wants us to do with it. Not what do I WANT (although there is something to be said for the desires that God puts on our hearts). We can waste our time or we can try to get and give the most that we can within it.
Fear is a big problem here. I want to work on my fears. I think they are stopping me from pushing myself to do and be more and better.
This is where my mind is these days. I really want to make this Life all that it can and should be.
As you can see, I am looking for a new look for my blog. This one isn't quite right. I need my fantastically talented live in tech provider to help me but I hope to cheer this page up a bit! I am still going to write a lot about the kids and use this as a way for our families and friends to keep up with us but I think I'll also use it to talk about some of the things that matter to me. It's fun to get other people's thoughts and comments so please share what you think and let me know you are out there!