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Showing posts from October, 2007


Our little hockey player..............

Luckiest person in the world

What I am doing to get through this time is focusing on our blessings. All I have to do is look at this picture to see why I am the luckiest person in the world. Thanks Trinda for taking this picture.

What I am thinking about today

There is a quote that I found a couple of days ago that I am really focussing on right now. I put it as my favorite quote on facebook and want to put it here too because I think everyone needs a reminder once in awhile. This is the beginning of a new day. God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. What I do today is important, because I'm exchanging a day of my life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone for ever, leaving in its place something that I have traded for it. I want it to be gain, not loss; good, not evil; success, not failure; in order that I shall not regret the price I paid for it. ~ W. Heartsill Wilson

Our hearts our broken

Our hearts are broken. We have shared every moment of this journey to have another baby with everyone so I guess it is necessary to update everyone on what has happened. We have lost the pregnancy. I miscarried yesterday. I am shocked that we are having to add this to our list of struggles in fertility. I sort of feel like saying 'seriously? are you kidding? Is this really happening to us on top of everything else? Why give us any hope in the first place? Why make us think we have finally had a successful embryo transfer for one week? What was that about? What was the point of that?' If I wrote down all the questions I have you would never be done reading this. I'm sure you could read all about them in the 'how to understand a friend who has had a miscarriage' tips... As far as how we are doing - we are so sad for this life that was lost. I am estimated to have been at about 5 1/2 weeks. That's almost 4 weeks that the babies (they suspect, by my h...

I feel good

I feel really good today. I've been away from home most of the last 3 weeks which was fun but can really mess ya up and I've been so anxious and nervous about the IVF. Now I am home. I am mostly caught up on things that were needing to get done and I am no longer wondering whether I get to have another baby or not. I am feeling settled. It's a relief really. Caden is sleeping and I'm just sitting on my couch in my relatively clean house. I got to go out and spend time with a friend this morning and have plans to do that tonight and tomorrow as well. I need to reconnect with our Regina people. So it all feels good. Of course there is still the worry that something may go wrong with my pregnancy but the biggest step is overwith. I can feel my pulse slowing down. Everything just feels calm right now. (well, until Caden wakes up anyway :)) It was a great week though. Finding out that Yes, the IVF worked this time was the greatest feeling. We were at my parent...

The Waiting is Over

I have been trying to get into my blog to update, all day. I just finally got in and now I'm too tired to write for very long. I will definitely come back and elaborate more but in case you haven't already heard - we did two home pregnancy tests (I got anxious because I was feeling nauseous so we did those early) and then went for a test at the lab. All three came out POSITIVE!!! Y A Y. I had kind of felt different this time than I did the past two times that didn't work out so I was hopeful but still scared that I was setting myself up for disappointment. Fortunately my gut feeling was the right one! I cannot begin to put into words how happy and relieved and excited that I am. We are heading down the road of another wonderful experience. Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes - they give us so much strength. I hope that you will still pray for us and our new baby (ies) during this pregnancy. Ok - good night - we'll write more later.

Week in Estevan

Caden and I just got home from a week in Estevan - Justin joined us for the weekend there. It was really nice to spend time with our Estevan people. It was also a helpful distraction from our two week wait which is almost up! It was especially fun to see the cousins hanging out together. Caden spent alot of his time following his big cousins Zack and Jaiden around and here is a picture of him hanging out with Kieran. They are the same age. They are going to be trouble as they grow up together!!


Well, today is day number 4 in our 2 week wait (it is also close to what would have been my due date if this had worked in february). It's been pretty good so far. We've had our friends, the Pippus' here for the weekend which has been fun and has helped us focus on something other than what was going on in my body. I've been worrying some because I'm never sure what I am feeling. Anyone who has gone through this knows that you evaluate every twinge, cramp, nauseosness, every lack of feeling, EVERYTHING. It's very taxing. Very tiring. You keep counting the days to your preg. test. and are amazed at how few days have actually gone by :). I feel ok mostly though. I know there are worse things that could happen to a person. When you are immersed in it - it feels like the end of the world but what I have said a few times already is - that we are not waiting for good or bad news. Just good news or not good news. You know? Some people are waiting to hear b...

thursdays update

In case people are really checking this to see how things are going - we went to the clinic this afternoon and had 2 embryos transferred. That's done now and we'll go home some time in the next few days. Our preg. test is in two weeks so now I just need to pass the time. If anyone has any ideas on how I can distract myself to pass this time quicker - let me know!! Things looked good as far as the embryos were concerned so things are looking positive.


Day 5 blastocyst Blastocyst hatching before implantation in uterine wall I hope this isn't too much information for any of you but I've been researching this so that I could understand it better. When Caden was 'transferred' he was an 8 celled embryo which is about Day 3 or 4. So these embryos that we will be transferring are a day or two further progressed than that even. Only a few days after day 5 is implantation which is exciting. It'll be nice to get these guys nestled in their temporary home. I hope they like it enough to stick around. We have had our phone call from the clinic today. We have one superstar embryo and 2 that are tied for second place and also doing really well. SO now they are trying to decide which of the second two to choose. Either way they are ready for us to come in today to do the transfer. Yup - this day finally came. It has taken awhile to get here. I can hardly wait. Then we settle in for the exceptionally long 2 week wait (2ww for th...

Day Four

Our embryos are at the day 4 stage today. That means they have about 25-30 cells. 5 out of 6 are doing really well. Or at least they were as of this morning. Tomorrow (thursday) morning they will update me again. They want 2 of them to stand out as the best of the best. If they have that we will go in at 130 to put them where they belong - in their mom. If they are still having trouble deciding which are the best (and therefore have the best potential of continuing to survive) they will give them one more day to develop and see if any start to slow down or anything. Then the transfer would be friday. So - that's where we are tonight. Now I'm going to bed. Tomorrow might be a big day :)

And now......

So we heard from the embryologist today and the 3 embryos from sunday are still doing well. They thawed 3 more today and 1 died right away so she thawed another. That means that we've thawed 7 and 6 are still alive. 5 of those are great and 1 is just 'ok'. They need to be doing really well to be used in the transfer. She is going to call me again tomorrow to let me know how they are doing. So to pass the time Jacquie and I went out for lunch and then got pedicure's. It was very very nice!! Tonight is the "Mooney Family Thanksgiving Supper" since we're here and Jacquie is off of work. Josh is still away working but the rest of us are here and will have a nice evening together. And another day shall pass.


We are waiting again. The IVF process includes more waiting than anything else. On sunday they thawed three embryos and tomorrow we will hear how they are doing. It's weird but I am worrying about my 'too small to see with the naked eye' babies. They will thaw a few more embryos starting tomorrow (the number depends on how the three from yesterday are doing) and we hope to implant on thursday. After that we have a 2 week wait to see if it worked. It's late on monday night and I am feeling tired, a little nervous and anxious but mostly optimistic at the same time. So things are going ok. I have been lucky enough to get to spend some time with friends, some with family and some time shopping on my own. Only 3 more days!! Thanks to those of you who have included us in your prayers!