Blastocyst hatching before implantation in uterine wall
I hope this isn't too much information for any of you but I've been researching this so that I could understand it better. When Caden was 'transferred' he was an 8 celled embryo which is about Day 3 or 4. So these embryos that we will be transferring are a day or two further progressed than that even. Only a few days after day 5 is implantation which is exciting. It'll be nice to get these guys nestled in their temporary home. I hope they like it enough to stick around.
We have had our phone call from the clinic today. We have one superstar embryo and 2 that are tied for second place and also doing really well. SO now they are trying to decide which of the second two to choose. Either way they are ready for us to come in today to do the transfer. Yup - this day finally came. It has taken awhile to get here. I can hardly wait. Then we settle in for the exceptionally long 2 week wait (2ww for those in the IVF world).