Tot's Cafe is an indoor playground and coffee shop here in Regina. I usually try to plan fun things for Caden everyday if I can. Well the last couple of weeks have been sorely lacking in fun stuff so I decided to head out and go there. He hasn't been there before and was pretty excited by everything. He went on the slide a few times but spent most of the time in this car. If he did venture out it was basically to play with the ball. So, for anyone who has been around him lately, you won't be surprised that he wanted to play with "Car" and "ball". Also two of his most used words - well, besides HI HI HI :)
I had fun too but I just felt sort of sad to think that he may never have a sibling to run around with. Wouldn't that be a shame? He played with one little girl a bit but everyone else was there with someone. So even though we had fun, all of our fertility/ miscarriage crap was still sitting on my chest affecting my experiences. That makes me angry. But I'm working on enjoying each day and each moment for the blessings that are in it. And I don't want the memory of Caden's early years to be completely colored by these struggles. So another day has gone by and it was a pretty good day.