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Caden's Magical Christmas

We had another fun Christmas with family. There were 8 adults and 6 kids all staying over for 3 nights. It was a real party. Lots of fun and food and laughs. Good memories were made for sure.

As soon as we arrived in Estevan on saturday Caden was excited to see grandma & grandpa's train and Christmas village. He loved it. He spent the entire holiday saying "grandma - choo choo?" and she would take him and they'd hang out at the train. We were worried he was going to start calling her "choo choo" there for awhile but he is actually quite proficient at the words grandma and grandpa, auntie and uncle now.

Having Fun 'playing Ping Pong' in the basement

On Christmas Eve the 14 of us (that includes 4 car seats) loaded up into a rental van and went on a twinkle tour.
Caden had fun yelling out "'anta (santa), pretty (for lights and trees) and 'choo choo'"

Christmas Morning came and Caden woke up first so I was second and we went out to the living room. He stood in the doorway looking at all the gifts and everything for a least a full minute - then he ran in full tilt straight to the pretty packages.

He had fun opening his presents but wanted to play with everything as he opened it. oh - and those are his christmas pajama's - one of the traditions I had been looking forward to having with our kids.

I guess he wanted to be a present! He is the best gift I've ever gotten.

Justin with his gift wrapped with many layers of duct tape. That kept him busy for a while.

Our little princesses (Lana and Gabby)

The two little boys with grandpa

Back to Caden's obsession - the village and train set.

On Boxing Day everyone got bundled up and played in the snow.

It started out with the adults pulling the kids around but once they got tired the quad got started up and brought into action. I didn't get pictures of that but you can imagine how it evolved into Justin and Adam pulling each other around with the quad (going pretty stinkin' fast). Everyone had a ball.

I know this one is fuzzy but I liked it - Jaiden was getting a little air time.

We really did have a very Merry Christmas. Hope you all did too! Happy New Year's to you!


Anonymous said…
What???? No Tony Stewart Christmas pjs????? That's not right! Nice pictures anyway! Looked like fun! :)
Nicola said…
Looks like you guys had a great time! Can't wait til next year when Maggie and Caden get excited together!

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