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Showing posts from May, 2008

Justin C. Mooney : 1975 - 2008

Thank you all for gathering here today. We are here to honour the man that Justin was. The life he lived. Justin was born in June of 1975. Even from a young age he liked adventure. Tobogganing fast down a hill with only a barb wired fence to stop his progress. Jumping in wagons and speeding down the steep road outside his house towards a busy Calgary street with no parental supervision. Trying to see how big a jump he can make on his garage sale bike that was held together with duct tape. Purchasing a Honda 929 Sport bike, letting it sit in his garage all winter, then when summer finally came driving it for 140 km before wiping out and totalling off the bike. Yes. Justin had a heart for adventure. Maybe not the smartest decision maker but his heart was always in the right place. He had a fascination for bikes and fast cars. His dream was to one day have a corvette that he wouldn't drive on the terrible Saskatchewan roads. He co-founded the Regina chapter of the Manly Movi...


Here's a few pictures from last week and weekend. Caden loves to be outside and to go on the slide. This is from the park near our condo. Chris and Sherry and the kids came to town on saturday and Caden kept asking to hold Beth. It was pretty cute. I hope he continues to like babies this much! This is Lana holding her baby sister.

My thoughts today

Times are a-changin'. Last night we test drove our first minivan. That was weird. Today I took a bunch of pictures of our condo before I start taking pictures down and dismantling everything. The main floor is already filled with boxes. We are going to miss this place. But last night we drove by our new house and I'm really excited about that too. It'll be so great to just get into it and get sort of settled. I keep going back and forth emotionally. Obviously I am so in love with our babies and can't wait to meet them but today Caden and I were laying on the couch together watching cartoons and I wondered how often we will get that kind of time together once everything changes. I try not to worry about him but I can't help but wonder how all of these changes are going to effect him. And when we looked at that van last night I tried to act out how I will get the infant seats into the back over top of the bases that will be in the front buckets and am serious...

Here they are...

I had my 12 week dr.'s appt. on wednesday and here are the babies!! They all appear to have all their arms and legs and hands. Their heartbeats were good - they measured 12 weeks. So - things look to be going well so far. I'm amazed at how much I love them already. Even though these pictures are going to look like every other ultrasound picture you have ever seen - they are beautiful to me. It was wonderful to see and hear their tiny heartbeats and see them moving around. WOW. Baby "A" looks kind of uncomfortable to me but I'm sure its fine :) BABY A BABY B BABY C

Makes me smile

This video has been around for a long time and it always makes me laugh. Now that we have triplets on the way I look at it in a whole new way :) Regardless of that though - I just thought I'd post it in case anybody out there needs a smile moment.

A Shocking Insight !!

As some of you know, Jenny can be a bit... well let's say... um... focused. OK, maybe obsessed is the better word. Jenny loves to arm herself with information. When things happen in our lives, I know that when I get home from work there will be about 142 books on the subject littered throughout every room of the house. And everyday, when I get home from work (and sometimes by phone in the middle of the day) I am greeted with some new insight or information tidbit about whatever we are going through. I actually quite enjoy it. Jenny is a sponge for information. Well, actually maybe sponge isn't quite the right word. More like a large bowl with a small leak. This is not meant to be insulting as Jenny and I talk about this all the time. It's just, she reads so much stuff that inevitably, it can't all stay in. So some of it leaks out and is lost. And I guess you could say I am a bit of a sponge. I seem to retain better what I hear than Jenny. Maybe this is bec...

A Manic Monday.....

There is never a dull moment around here. Monday morning after getting back from Calgary Caden fell and landed hard on his chin. After cleaning up the crazy amount of blood that poured forth I saw that it was really deep and bad looking so we went to the Emergency Room. They agreed that he needed stitches so we waited there all morning and part of the afternoon. He was SO good the whole time. He played and was so patient. Justin brought us lunch. Finally it was our turn though and that was pretty tough. He cried the whole time and was drenched in sweat. We had him wrapped in a blanket to keep his hands down and I was holding him. The nurse held his head while the doctor put the stitches in. It was pretty traumatic for him. There was a moment when I thought I was going to cry but I made it through. Once it was done he was fine and has been good ever since. I guess it's one of those things. But now he can never say he has never had stitches. We couldn't go home a...

Caden's Thomas Birthday - Part Two

After our full morning at Heritage Park with Thomas the Train, we came home for a nap!! Our little tiger crashed for the afternoon. Grandma Judy provided a fantastic supper and cake. The train on the cake even moved around the track. Caden is still playing with it! For the few days before his birthday I kept trying to tell him what we were doing and where we were going and that we would have cake. Well, he became pretty obsessed with cake. He kept saying - Grandma... CAKE? So - it was fun when he finally got it and he ate it all! CADEN DIDN'T LOVE THE BIRTHDAY HAT BUT MAGGIE WAS TOTALLY FINE WITH IT... SO MUCH SO, SHE EVEN WORE TWO!! (Is this a cute picture or what!!) CADEN'S FANCY THOMAS CAKE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! PRESENTS!! THANKS EVERYBODY! MAGGIE IS TESTING THIS ONE OUT OUR 'LITTLE' FAMILY ON HIS NEW QUAD (I can handle this one - it only goes 2 mph!)

Caden's Thomas Birthday - Part One

Caden is two!! We travelled to Calgary and went to Day Out with Thomas. The weather was beautiful and Caden loved every single minute of it. We got there early and went and saw the train first thing: THOMAS CADEN SPOTS THOMAS CADEN & GRANDMA M AFTER STORY TIME CADEN RUNS BACK TO THE TRAIN AND KEEPS RUNNING! LOOKING OUT THE WINDOW ON THE TRAIN LOVE YOU GRANDMA! UNCLE JAMES, AUNTIE NIC AND MAGGIE CAME TO SEE US OFF RUNNING THROUGH A MAZE HUGGING SIR TOPPAM HATT TIGER FACE PAINT LOOK! THERE'S THOMAS! (He saw Thomas go around many times that morning and it was like the first time, every time!) CHOO CHOO!! IN THE JUMPING CASTLE - LAUGHING AND LAUGHING ON THE CAROUSEL HAVING ICE CREAM ON THE GRASS YUM!! AND THERE'S THOMAS AGAIN!! (Still exciting!) It was a fabulous time and Caden had so much fun. We celebrated with a bang!! But there's more. Keep watching for the second half of the birthday post!