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A Shocking Insight !!

As some of you know, Jenny can be a bit... well let's say... um... focused. OK, maybe obsessed is the better word. Jenny loves to arm herself with information. When things happen in our lives, I know that when I get home from work there will be about 142 books on the subject littered throughout every room of the house.

And everyday, when I get home from work (and sometimes by phone in the middle of the day) I am greeted with some new insight or information tidbit about whatever we are going through. I actually quite enjoy it. Jenny is a sponge for information. Well, actually maybe sponge isn't quite the right word. More like a large bowl with a small leak. This is not meant to be insulting as Jenny and I talk about this all the time. It's just, she reads so much stuff that inevitably, it can't all stay in. So some of it leaks out and is lost.

And I guess you could say I am a bit of a sponge. I seem to retain better what I hear than Jenny. Maybe this is because I try not to use my brain often so I have some empty storage units available. This is also a common perception in our household. But I am more of an extremely lazy sponge. I don't want to go out and get the information. I rely on absorbing any bits of miscellaneous data that comes out of Jenny mouth from her extensive research. This makes playing Trivial Pursuit fun. Well fun for me, not so much for Jenny. Hmm. Now that I think about it, it 's not that much fun for me either as we have to keep playing till she wins. I may have to rethink my strategy.

So, when Jenny reads something she deems particularly important, she tells me about it. It may be because she wants me to get smarter so we can have intelligent conversation or maybe it's just a means of preserving the information for when she wants to recall it later. I think it must be the latter as the first option doesn't work out for her.

So it was not surprising to me that while we are in the car traveling to Calgary that she pulls out a book on being pregnant with multiples and starts to read me a section. It's about what the man can expect through the pregnancy. I am of course excited. I get something?? What do I get?? Is it going to be fun?? NAY!! In fact, the book goes on to say that the man can expect to be ignored. That the focus will be on the wife and the pregnancy, not the husband and that the husband has to accept this fact. Well I am in shock. How can I be ignored?? Who would ignore me?? Surely not.

Then slowly I see it happening. People barely see me now. I am but a shadow of what I once was. One lady actually pushed me out of the way to talk to Jenny. I am no longer "Justin" but rather the guy who's married to the women who is having triplets. And I can see that when Jenny's belly grows to circus type proportions and she more resembles a weeble wobble that this oversight will be more pronounced.

But, after much deliberation and self reflection ( HEY, NO LAUGHING!!. I CAN SELF REFLECT!!!) I have come to the conclusion, that I am OK with it. Jenny deserves it. This is an exciting time and she deserves all the attention she can handle. So don't feel bad if you forget my name or you don't even notice me when Jenny walks into the room. Heck, I will even answer to "MAN WITH PREGNANT WIFE". I won't be hurt. I will be fine. After all, the pregnancy will only last for like 8 months. Then things can get back to normal with me being the centre of attention. Right? RIGHT?!?!?


Man with pregnant wife


Anonymous said…
Hey that what quite insightful! Thanks.... ah..... Jason.... Jared.... ummmm.... Johnny.... ummmm ...... Jen's husband! That was good! :)
Anonymous said…
Oh, you'll get attention alright, don't you worry.
It will sounds something like this:
"daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy"
daddy "why, why, why"
daddy "how come"
daddy "can you"
daddy "help me"

"honey, honey, honey"
"will you, can you" ...

Very soon, you will LONG to be ignored!

"You're Gonna Miss "THIS"
Trace Adkins ;)

p.s. There will never be a dull moment - you are both very, very funny.
Monica said…
Don't worry, as soon as the babies are born, Jen will also be ignored! It will all be about the babies!!!
Anonymous said…
Ahh, Justin, you made me laugh and cry. I guess I am having sympathy emotions for Jen. Is there such a thing as sympathy emotions?
Don't worry you are not forgotten next time I see you I will pat your belly too.

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