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Justin C. Mooney : 1975 - 2008

Thank you all for gathering here today. We are here to honour the man that Justin was. The life he lived.

Justin was born in June of 1975. Even from a young age he liked adventure. Tobogganing fast down a hill with only a barb wired fence to stop his progress. Jumping in wagons and speeding down the steep road outside his house towards a busy Calgary street with no parental supervision. Trying to see how big a jump he can make on his garage sale bike that was held together with duct tape. Purchasing a Honda 929 Sport bike, letting it sit in his garage all winter, then when summer finally came driving it for 140 km before wiping out and totalling off the bike. Yes. Justin had a heart for adventure. Maybe not the smartest decision maker but his heart was always in the right place. He had a fascination for bikes and fast cars. His dream was to one day have a corvette that he wouldn't drive on the terrible Saskatchewan roads.

He co-founded the Regina chapter of the Manly Movie Night Club and has been it's chairman for the past 8 years. He was admired by his co-workers, friends and family but I am sure if you ask them, they would be too shy and in awe to admit it.

But sadly, Justin's manliness died in the afternoon of Monday, May the 26th after choking to death on a piece of humble pie. It was shortly after he and his wife had purchased their first mini-van. "We could see it coming. He just wasn't the same afterwards. He was talking about getting some potpourri for his work desk and was interested in learning how to knit booties" - say some of his closest friends. His rapid decline was no surprise to his wife Jennifer. "He mocked all our friends for their mini-vans. I have no sympathy for him. He got what was coming to him." Uh.. Jen must still be in shock. OK, moving on.

Justin's manliness will be survived by his wife, who may now be more manly than him, and his 67 kids. His hope was for his kids to grow up and not make the same mistakes he made. The last words that came out of him before the manliness died was, "Make sure my kids don't make the same mistake I made."

Let us all remember the man that Justin was, not the shadow of a man that he became. And let's not forget the lessons he has taught us. Don't think before you act. It is better to ask for forgiveness than permission. And don't EVER mock someone for having a mini-van because you KNOW that GOD is going to make sure you eat those words and your friends will never, Never, NEVER let you live it down for as long as you live.

Thank you again for coming. Now go out there and do something stupid and reckless.

Oh. And here are some pictures of the item which brought the end to the manly era. By the way, everyone is getting knitted booties for Christmas. Enjoy.


Anonymous said…
Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ah!!!!! Woooo!!!! :)

Justin - dude - that is about the funniest blog entry I have seen in a long time! My guts hurt from laughing so hard!!!!

By the way, what was all that writing on this post about? I didn't read a word of it.... I just jumped down to the funny part - the pictures of YOUR MINIVAN!!!! Was that other stuff important? :)

Wooo! Good stuff! Just remember Justin - we aren't laughing with you - we are laughing at you! :)
Anonymous said…
At least it is a sexy black minivan!
Anonymous said…
I so love that you guys got a minivan. It is so funny. I can't wait to get a ride in it from justin. Ha
Anonymous said…
That is one handsome minivan...
The other soccer parents are gonna be envious when their kids want to go in the Mooney movie mobile, so they can plug in their ipods and operate their bluetooth cell phones.
You'll always know where your kids are - in the cool bus.
Laurie said…
at least it is an "almost manly" looking mini van!!

Fun times!!! :)
Anonymous said…
Hey Justin,

I hear you can spin the tires on wet pavement. COOOL!!

Craig,Leah,Lena said…
Yeay! you have a minivan!

and Justin is dead!

oh, i didn't mean that last part. sorry justin.

now you have room for all your little kiddies - let's not get selfish and forget the reason WHY you have this minivan!

it's styling guys. no worries!

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