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A Manic Monday.....

There is never a dull moment around here. Monday morning after getting back from Calgary Caden fell and landed hard on his chin. After cleaning up the crazy amount of blood that poured forth I saw that it was really deep and bad looking so we went to the Emergency Room. They agreed that he needed stitches so we waited there all morning and part of the afternoon. He was SO good the whole time. He played and was so patient. Justin brought us lunch. Finally it was our turn though and that was pretty tough. He cried the whole time and was drenched in sweat. We had him wrapped in a blanket to keep his hands down and I was holding him. The nurse held his head while the doctor put the stitches in. It was pretty traumatic for him. There was a moment when I thought I was going to cry but I made it through. Once it was done he was fine and has been good ever since. I guess it's one of those things. But now he can never say he has never had stitches.

We couldn't go home afterwards because people were looking at our condo all afternoon (so Caden had his nap in the car) but it worked out and we have a conditional offer - conditions to be removed by next monday. So - hopefully all works out and that big hurdle is crossed off the to do list. I'm ready for a quiet uneventful couple of days. We'll see what happens :)


Kristi said…
Congrats on the offer! I am glad Caden is okay. We bought a house and will have the official papers on Friday. We are very excited!! Take care and we wil continue to pray about the babies and your health.

Love Kristi
Nicola said…
I'm glad Caden is okay! Sorry we bought such a destructive toy... stuffed animals from now on!
Anonymous said…
yay for the condo part. Now Caden can brag to all the chicks about the knife fight he got into and how at two years old he took out like 3, 4th graders or something. He is Justin's kid though, so he will come up with something great!! hehe. Hope the rest of your week has been a little less uneventful. See you tomorrow.
Anonymous said…
I mean a little less eventful....oops
Anonymous said…
Never a fun time - having had the same situation happen to me - although I was slightly older than Caden was. Scar will be there forever... as will the memory of the event (hopefully in his case he does forget because he's so young).

Had a bought with Ronan in the Emergency Room recently - needing IV's due to rapid dehydration - wrapped in a sheet held down by TWO male nurses AND his father while I cried in the hallway. Never easy being a mom, but after I composed myself, I came back into the room to find that they weren't successful and had to call in a female nurse to do the work. Go figure!

How emotionally exhausting on everyone's part - one of the male nurses larger than Brent left with tears in his eyes.

It will get better as they age I hope - although the damage they do to themselves will also get better too - broken arms, legs, etc. as a result of the things our little boy loves to do. Ronan's now at the stage where he sees how many steps he can jump from to get to the bottom without landing on his bum. Who doesn't love a challenge?

Good times ahead! ;)
Anonymous said…
Ahh, Caden, don't worry, chicks dig scars!

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