Yesterday was the boys' first time going on a walk around Wascana Park. Since Caden was born in May, he spent just about every day of his first 4 months doing that but these poor boys have been mostly just stuck in the house. We were going to try and take them out on wednesday but it was winter weather (GRRR!!) so we postponed it to thursday where all we got was some rain (still grr!) but really it was fine. It sprinkled on us a little here and there but nothing too crazy. Caden almost made it all the way around (for those of you that don't know - it would take an adult about 45 minutes of steady walking to get around) without tiring out. I was pretty impressed. Leah came over and we loaded the kids into the van, drove 8 blocks to the park, unloaded everyone and put them into strollers and headed off. The babies were perfect. Didn't fuss or anything the whole time. We were there for 2 hours, including at least half an hour at the park. It was so great to get out and have a little adventure. Thank goodness for friends who don't mind the chaos!! Thanks Leah.

Dylan crashed at the end of the walk and didn't get to play at the park. Made it easier for us to manage the 3 we did have awake.