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A good life

I am living a really great life. And now I'm finally rested enough to appreciate it! Here are some pictures from the past few days. On the weekend I got to go to a shower for Lorraine and Jonas. He is SO sweet and I am so glad he is here. It was fun to be with a bunch of girls for the afternoon too!
me and Jonas

Andrea with Lena (Reid)

Lena and Crystal
Mama Lorraine
If that wasn't nice enough I got to spend the rest of the weekend with Sara and Megan. We had a really nice few days together. And Liam got some extra TLC :)

I wonder how long it'll be cute to watch the boys wrestle? It made me smile because it was the first of what will no doubt be a regular activity. And there is likely no way to prevent that I guess.
First Evan tried to keep Caden down but Caden put up a good fight.
He is older and bigger after all..

The next thing you know - Dylan is in the pile and doing a little damage himself

He's not letting his age and size hold him down :)

Yikes - don't worry everyone came out of this one happy. If only that were the precursor to how the wrestling matches will go in the future.
We were especially lucky that Auntie Trinda stopped by.
What is a weekend without a little hockey. Justin got the short end of the stick in this one (or just the short stick I guess)

Evan, Dylan and Liam ready to head out for a van ride to Dairy Queen. Caden was having an ice cream craving (we'll blame him but who needs an excuse right?)

Just some play time with the cars. In their St. Patricks Day green.

Then last night we went swimming. Andrea and Crystal agreed to come with me and we loaded up all 4 boys, all of our gear and ourselves and headed out. It went not too bad. A little chaotic but that is to be expected. We had a stroller and a great big duffle bag. We had to take off shoes and get the kids dressed. Whew. I think we were tired before we even got into the pool. Then... Liam screamed as if he were being tortured. He was unhappy for the most of it but by the end had calmed down some. Evan started out ok but got pretty tired and miserable half way through. Cried for a good part of it. Dylan was unsure at first but once he got used to it he was his gung ho self. Caden loves the water and did his own thing for the most part. I didn't get pictures until the end because I thought I'd forgotten my camera. I had it the whole time! Oh well. Here we are getting ready to leave. I got the kids into their pj's and then we girls took turns getting changed. Then we got everyone back into the van and home to bed.

I'm so glad we went. I don't like that the kids are almost a year and a half and are so unsure of the water. GRR!! Caden and I went swimming about once a week for the first part of his life. It's a given that things are going to be different for the boys but I don't like it. It just doesn't seem fair. There's not a lot I can do about some of this stuff but I'm going to try to get them out to the pool more and get them comfortable in the water. Thanks again Andrea and Crystal for making it possible to do it at all!


Anonymous said…
Thanks for posting all of the pics Jen...that one of the triplets in their checked jackets makes them look so BIG...all standing up and stuff!!
Unknown said…
Nice pics, man sounds like a lot of action, nice to get out and about with everyone, and to have the help I am sure! I can't believe how big they are getting....

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