We are stuck in the house during all of this rainy weather but the kids have fun anyway. They love to run up and down the hallway yelling at the top of their lungs and laughing. It's funny.

The boys also love to dog pile. Don't worry, they take turns being on the bottom.
And Dylan can take it.
This week has been great. As much as the rain is getting very very tedious, I'm enjoying my kids so much. Last night I had a moment. You know the one you have when you look in on your sleeping kids and your heart gets so big you think it's going to burst through your chest? Well, that got me started and then I let myself think about how much they mean to me and how I used to wonder what the answer to all our fertility struggles would be. I sort of went back to that 'old me' - the one who didn't know. And I had a cry for her. If only she had known how full life would be one day. Anyway, all those emotions were a lot to take and I realized why I don't let myself go there in my mind very often. I love these kids so much, it really does physically hurt sometimes.

And Dylan can take it.
