I came across some interesting info about triplets today. Well, interesting to me but not necessarily to you. I won't put it all on here but I thought I'd throw a few up here.
The most sets of triplets born to one woman was 15 sets to an Italian lady in the 1800's (WHAT!!). Of modern times it's only 6 sets.
The most premature triplets (all 3 surviving) is 24 wks.
Lightest total birthweight was 3 lbs 3/4 oz.
Heaviest total birthweight was 24 lbs. Each baby was about 8 lbs. (ours totaled about 16 lbs. I cannot even imagine 24 lbs of baby in my belly. WOW!)
Longest gestation with triplets was 41 wks. (oh my!)
Oldest mother with triplets was a 66 yr old in India. Oh my goodness. Talk about being tired all the time!!
Since 1989 there have been an average of 1802 sets of triplets born each year in the US. 150 or less are identical.
That's all. I will put up pics from my triplets second birthday very soon!
The most sets of triplets born to one woman was 15 sets to an Italian lady in the 1800's (WHAT!!). Of modern times it's only 6 sets.
The most premature triplets (all 3 surviving) is 24 wks.
Lightest total birthweight was 3 lbs 3/4 oz.
Heaviest total birthweight was 24 lbs. Each baby was about 8 lbs. (ours totaled about 16 lbs. I cannot even imagine 24 lbs of baby in my belly. WOW!)
Longest gestation with triplets was 41 wks. (oh my!)
Oldest mother with triplets was a 66 yr old in India. Oh my goodness. Talk about being tired all the time!!
Since 1989 there have been an average of 1802 sets of triplets born each year in the US. 150 or less are identical.
That's all. I will put up pics from my triplets second birthday very soon!
p.s: We didn't do too badly keeping our trips in the 'oven' for 35 & 37 weeks, eh?