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Our Amazing News - Jen's Post

Ok - now it is my turn. I'm not nearly as entertaining as my husband but I've decided that the rest of my life is going to be a class on having a sense of humor. I mean how else are we going to survive this little adventure?

Caden is sitting beside me as I type and he keeps hugging me. He is the cutest thing (now he is sticking his fingers in my ears and laughing hysterically). One of my first thoughts was 'what is this going to do to Caden's life?'. That's one of the thoughts.

Among the thousands of other thoughts that have gone through my head are these:

- We're going to need a bigger fridge
- Their names are not going to start with the same letter
- Should they share a crib or not?
- How long will they be in the NICU? and are they going to be ok?
- God obviously has a sense of humor AND He loves to Bless His children
- What if they are all boys?
- Should I start making Casseroles now so we have food? Oh wait - I still have months to go...
- We have to get a van
- Life will never be the same again
- we may never eat out or go to a movie EVER again
- Thank you God SO MUCH for this amazing Blessing
- I think I'll color code them - at least at the beginning
- Should their cribs each have different bedding or the same since they'll be in the same room?
- How fat will I get?
- Am I going to lose my mind?
- I can't wait to stick them all in a stocking at christmas for a photo - op
- I need to do my christmas shopping now!

Ok - those are just a few of the thoughts but I imagine it gives you some idea of my state of mind at the moment :)

(Now Caden is sitting beside me with his daddy's sunglasses on looking cool)

So, anyway,

This journey is going to be the wildest ride we've ever been on. We hope you'll jump on every once in awhile :)

Physically I'm doing fine. A little sick sometimes and tired almost all the time but that's all to be expected. Mentally I feel a little crazy. There is so much to do and to plan and a million unknowns. We are concerned with moving into a new house, getting a new vehicle and trying to get as much in place as quickly as possible since we don't know when I may end up on bedrest or even being monitored in the hospital. We just have no idea of any of these things. It's SO CRAZY! I laugh because we have now entered Crazyville and will likely never get to leave ;)

I am already worried about how the babies are doing and wonder how premature they will end up being. How tiny will they be? But God has been with us every step of the way so far - I figure He'll stick around for this :).

Thanks again for all the prayers and all the support! Check back for updates!


Anonymous said…
CONGRATS you guys! We've not been reading your blogs for a couple of weeks now since we just got a new computer and haven't forwarded everything onto the new system. When I saw someone congratulate you on your blog, I thought it was odd because they would have already known that you were expecting. I had to go and search to find your blog address just so I could see what all the excitement was about! I'm so.... happy for you both. We'll continue praying for there safe arrival and there "tough shield" from there little brother mauling them! Take Care, Crystal
chelsey said…
absolutely amazing!
i have a friend out here who is having triplets too!
i will keep praying for you :)
Brandi said…
you guys bought a house already?!?! Yay! when do you move in?
Anonymous said…
Wow. wow. I am still stuck on that thought.
Praying for you!
Aisling said…
If you have all boys, do u want the big box of clothes we have stored??

The one thing I always said I wouldn't do was dress the boys identical, cause they're not. But I do it sometimes, though mostly its the same shirt but in different colours!

Oh and you won't lose your mind. I've still got mine and we are in the Terrible 2s and 3s!! LOL
Carolyn said…
I am so happy for you! I had not checked your blog in awhile but was so happy to see the news!!! Very very very fun. Praise God for the way He blesses us beyond measure and gives us the desires of our hearts (sometimes X 3!!!) Take care of yourself and know those little ones are prayed for! When is your due date by the way?!?!?!

With love and a million congrats from Mexico,

Unknown said…
Holy wow....reading this couldn't help but make me laugh, because I can only imagine the things you have in store, and the amount of work you have ahead of you to get organized....and quickly because you might be out of commission pretty soon....I know you have a million things running through your heads right now, clearly from the you don't need to stress it, cause when it all boils right down to it, you know there is love and prayers for you always (clearly...) and you guys will get tonnes of help....auntie cracker will be heading to Regina to help you out whenever I can!!!!!
Nicola said…
Congratulations on the new house!! You guys are so organized... I'm sure you'll be twiddling your thumbs by the time the little batch arrives! We're so excited to meet them!

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