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The week

It's been a week since our last blog and it's been quite a week. All 3 of us ended up with the flu - all on different days at least but it made for a long week. We are trying to get the condo all ready to sell and haven't gotten much done because of being sick. Last saturday we did a lot - and my parents came and helped which was great - but not much since then. Tonight we get back on track and hopefully by tomorrow night we'll be done. I am just SO TIRED all the time. And for some reason I am worrying a lot lately - about everything.

Caden's birthday is next week - we are going to Calgary for this one and I just don't feel quite ready. But I want this to be a good one because his life is about to be flipped upside down. He's about to have SO MANY changes that I worry a little about how he'll do or I guess - more that we'll do the right things to make it as easy as possible on him. I know kids adapt really well but they also have emotions that they don't know how to express so I hope we do right by him through all of this.

I'm also tired of the weather. I've been tired of the weather since November. I'm sure the warmth is just around the corner right? I certainly hope so.

A really great thing - My brother Chris and his wife Sherry had another little girl. She was born on April 21st. Her name is Elizabeth Ann. We haven't gotten to see her yet but I'm hoping we'll get to soon.

That pretty much sums up our week. We are excited about all that is happening and feel very blessed but at the same time - it's a lot to take in and life has gotten pretty overwhelming lately.

I need to trust God more and I need to give all of this over to Him. Why is it always so hard to do that? I'll be working on that.....


Brian said…
Hey guys,
Just wanted to add my shock and awe to everyone else's and send our prayers and best wishes your way!

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