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Showing posts from July, 2008


I just got back from another doctor's appointment and ultrasound. I just love getting to be reassured that everything is ok and that is what has happened once again. Whew! I get so nervous by appointment day - starting to imagine all the things they might say. But no - so far so good - the babies have all grown quite a bit. Doubled in size in 3 weeks which is great and puts them right about where they should be. To be real specific they are 22.2 weeks, 22.6 weeks and 23.4 (the big guy!). Everything looks good with them and with me. I am just so grateful. And one little guy even yawned. It was so cute. I love them so much already. It's all just so amazing. My next appt. is Aug.20. It'll be every three weeks for awhile now. In some ways the time seems to be flying. In a few months I go from having one little kid to 4!! WHAT!!! It's getting a little frightening to be honest. But at the same time I just can't wait to get them here and know that they ...

Last weekend

Last weekend, Vicki and her boys came to stay with us. We read stories and played, inside and outside. We went to the park and the highlight - we went to Chuck E. Cheese. The kids really enjoyed that. Mason kept telling us that it was the best day ever. The younger boys even had fun. So much so that Caden slept in the next day!! WOO HOO! It is really neat to see the kids getting big enough to interact and enjoy each other, not to mention the opportunity to learn to share :). Justin was also a highlight. Kids just love him and he loves being a kid. He totally gets the kids and can make up stories that the kids are right into. If I tried to play along to that imagination I would get a funny look and be deserted while they looked for Justin instead. But that's ok with me. Anyway - here's a few pictures from the weekend: I had the boys pose together for this one and even though they don't look that comfortable I thought it was pretty cute. And here's the typic...

Name That Baby.... Let the Contest Begin

So things have been so busy lately with renovating and working that time has been slipping by. Why, it seems like just last week that Jenny could fit into her clothes. Oh wait, that was last week. Boy she is growing fast. That's my Jenny. I am so proud. So after another long day, I was relaxing on the couch when I was jolted awake by a disturbing thought. WE STILL HAVE TO NAME THESE LITTLE BEASTS!!! Now normally this isn't such a shocking thought. After all, we are still months away from having to give them names. Surely we can come up with 3 first names and 3 middle names by then. But for some reason, coming up with boys names is really hard for us. Girls names are easy. We already have like 14 names picked out. But boys names are another story. We like nothing. And Jenny still refuses to let me name one of them "Blade" so dealing with her irrationality makes things that much harder. Why, we barely got the name Caden and even that was last minute. He ...

the last little while

We went to Estevan last weekend and Caden got to play with all his cousins. It was a fun time. Here he is with his cousin Keiran having a yummy ice cream treat. And yes - he needs a haircut :) Besides that we've just been at home working on the basement. It is coming along. Since we put in the carpet we've painted and got the baseboards all ready. It's time consuming but it is coming along. We should be able to finish it all up by next week. Then I can work on the nursery!! Here's the difference so far : I'm feeling pretty good but gaining weight really fast. It is starting to get uncomfortable and to hurt my back but I feel pretty lucky that things are going as well as they are. One more week and we see the doctor again and we'll get to see if the babies are still doing ok. I can feel all of them moving - quite a lot lately - so that's something. Every once in a while we get hit with the thought "this is really happening!!". It's ...

Say Goodbye

It is time to say goodbye to an oldie but a goodie. This carpet had more personality than some people I know but it was more than I could handle!! We hit a bit of a glitch and it almost didn't get done. GRR! But in the end we were able to get it done and what a difference!!! Caden is already running around down there and riding one of his riding toys and crashing into the walls. It's perfect for a bunch of rowdy boys. It is a little lighter than I expected so stains won't hide as well but what can ya do.... Hallway One of the bedrooms Main Room Now we are going to try to get these rooms and hallway painted and the baseboards back on. It's kind of fun to get some stuff done. Never fast enough for me but that's ok. I need to learn some patience right?!

Fun with Pippus'

We spent this past weekend with Tim and Sara and Katie and Megan. It was lots of fun. The first day was really rainy so we hung out at home. Then on saturday we went to the park and played on the playground, played a little Bocce ball and some football. It really felt like summertime!! On sunday we went out to Regina Beach and just enjoyed the sunshine.

And the final answer is....

Well, thank you all for your guesses. I found them interesting. I had one person guess 4 babies. I don't let him come to our blog anymore. Well, after 5 months of waiting, we have had the ultrasound and we now know what the gender is for each of the wee little gaffers. If you want to see, click the link below. The link should open up a new window so don't be scared. Click Here To See What We Are Having Now that is done, here are my thoughts. WARNING SPOILER BELOW. I am going to hide the text so as to not give anything away to those who do not want to know. If you want to see the text, you need to highlight it. For those of you who don't know how to do this, I recommend you just turn off your computer and find another hobby. Computer's aren't for you. Click and hold Mouse button here then drag your mouse to the end of the post. Congratulations on finding the secret message. So, we found out what they are at the "OH CRAP" Clinic on Thursday. We now c...

Any Guesses?

We have our 20 week ultrasound on Thursday afternoon and, as long as the babies cooperate, we should be able to find out their genders. We thought it would be fun if people would try to guess what we are going to have. Any guesses? Don't be afraid - you're bound to get at least one right :). We'll post what we know either Thursday night or Friday sometime.

Summer Fun

On thursday night Justin and I went out for supper and a movie with friends of ours. It was just great to have grown up conversation and to not be thinking about my to do lists and everything else. And even though we had a lot of fun I am thinking that our kids had more fun than we did :). Here are some pictures that were taken of Caden LOVING the slip 'n slide on a really warm summer night. He was covered in popsicle afterwards too. Doesn't that just sound like the perfect time? I love how happy he is in these too. I just had to post them!!

Our House

It's been so long since I posted! It went by fast for me. We've just been working on the house a bit. We have painted Caden's room and got the upstairs pretty much settled and livable. We've done a few things with the yard. There is still so much I want to do and I feel like I have so little time. I keep wondering when the doctor is finally going to say - ok - stop doing stuff - or even - stay in bed!! Yikes. It's pretty much guaranteed to happen but the question is how long will I be able to put it off for? I have another appt. a week from today so we'll see what he says. I feel fine. I feel pretty pregnant and I am growing so big so fast but there's nothing out of the ordinary from my perspective. My back was bugging me for a while but seems to be a bit better lately. I pretty much don't have a belly button anymore. I feel little movements every day which is fun. I can't believe that there are 3 little people all squished inside of m...