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Name That Baby.... Let the Contest Begin

So things have been so busy lately with renovating and working that time has been slipping by. Why, it seems like just last week that Jenny could fit into her clothes. Oh wait, that was last week. Boy she is growing fast. That's my Jenny. I am so proud.

So after another long day, I was relaxing on the couch when I was jolted awake by a disturbing thought. WE STILL HAVE TO NAME THESE LITTLE BEASTS!!!

Now normally this isn't such a shocking thought. After all, we are still months away from having to give them names. Surely we can come up with 3 first names and 3 middle names by then. But for some reason, coming up with boys names is really hard for us. Girls names are easy. We already have like 14 names picked out. But boys names are another story. We like nothing. And Jenny still refuses to let me name one of them "Blade" so dealing with her irrationality makes things that much harder. Why, we barely got the name Caden and even that was last minute. He was almost named "IDunno"

So in my opinion, we are already behind schedule. And I could feel the panic starting to set it... until... I came across an interesting article. It was about a 9 year old girl in New Zealand whose name is "Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii". Apparently she is embarrassed by her name and the court has taken custody of her to allow her to change her name to whatever she wants. And apparently, this is quite the thing in New Zealand. So much so that certain names are being blocked by registration officials. You can no longer name your child Yeah Detroit, Keenan Got Lucy and Sex Fruit, however Number 16 Bus Shelter and Violence are still apparently OK. Whew!!!

If you want to read the whole article, just click here

Well, that opens up a whole new door for us to run down. We are no longer limited to some arbitrary societal rule which dictates what is considered "normal". I can literally name my kids anything I want. Heck, if Prince can change his name to a symbol, then I can change my kid's name to a bunch of clicks and pops.

So what I want to know from you is, what New Zealand name would you give our kids? Here is your chance to put your stamp on history. And if we do eventually pick the name you suggest, you will win some sort of prize. I don't know what it is but it will definitely be something... uh... fitting.

Some of the names that have been given so far include...

"Mark who likes to eat bark from Whitmore Park" Mooney


"Muffin who rhymes with nothing, so we call him Fred instead" Mooney

Thank you Todd for your input. I personally was thinking more along the lines of where they came from or some insight into who they are. My names were...

"Broden Who Was Frozen For 3 Years With Big Ears" Mooney

or maybe...

"One Of Three -Approach with Caution" Mooney

OK, maybe that second one isn't great but you get the gist. So submit your suggestion now. AND HURRY!!! WE ONLY HAVE A FEW MONTHS LEFT!!!!

Until next time,



chelsey said…
we know some people out here who named their kids:
mercy danger
asher thrasher

captain friday.

those are all first and middle names.
i don't have a new zealand name for you... but maybe i could come up with one!
Nicola said…
And I went to school with Rocky Lane, who had siblings named Toy Train and Air Plane. Good luck!!
Nicola said…
1.John Daniel Mooney (Just call him Jack)
2.William Button Mooney (Billy Button)
3.Phat Lip Mooney
1.Home, 2.Ugg & 3.Fug (All with the middle name LEE)
1. Hey Move Over Mooney (In the womb)
2. Hey Get Off My Face (In the womb)
3. Hoof Arted (In the womb)
1. Come Here Mooney
2. Stop It Mooney
3. Don't Me Stop This MINIVAN Mooney...

Just for starters...

Love Your Big Brother James
Brandi said…
awww, i wish that i knew someone with a unique name...i didn't even go to school with anyone who had a weird name - that's what you get when you go to school in the ghetto :). i know if josh were putting in names, he'd vote for john deere mooney. me...well, it would be something more hippyish, like, starlight maryjane mooney :)
Craig,Leah,Lena said…
we have some kiwi friends from new we'll get their input and get back to you on this one! so fun you guys!
and your house renos are looking great - great shot of the basement!
The Hudson's said…
These wouldn't be up to New Zealand standard, but perhaps these names may suit the chaos that is abotu to hit your house hold in a few months...

Maniac, Monster and Munchkin

Also, I just have to share that I once coached a kid named Ted E. Bear. No Joke!
The Hudson's said…
Okay, I admit I have no life...

Here are my New Zealand names for your boys...

Lou does the biggest Poo's
Awake all night Jake
Yes Brian is still Cryin'
Jen Mooney said…
I got to say, I am digging some of the names here. So far I like "Captain Friday" (I know that one is already in use but I figure, what the heck) and "Lou Does The Biggest Poo's" just because I think it would be cool for him to have to say his whole name first day of School.

Teacher: So what is your name little boy?

Lou: Uh...... It's Lou.

Teacher: And what is your middle name Lou.

Lou: Uh.... It's.... Uh....

Teacher: Go ahead. Don't be shy.

Lou: It's.. Uh.. Does The Biggest Poo.


I of course can't be sure but I think that is pretty accurate.

Keep up the good work here people.

Anonymous said…
I have a friend whose kid thought his first name was dammit...could be appropriate...but you probably don't want them all dammit, that would be confusing. So it could be

dammit A
dammit B
dammit C

and then you can give them heck and say there names all in one.

I will see if I can come up with a good new zealand name. How about "monkey at the zoo"??
I guess I am still bitter.

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