We have our 20 week ultrasound on Thursday afternoon and, as long as the babies cooperate, we should be able to find out their genders. We thought it would be fun if people would try to guess what we are going to have. Any guesses? Don't be afraid - you're bound to get at least one right :). We'll post what we know either Thursday night or Friday sometime.
how amazing that after your last transfer you weren't sure if God would ever again bless you with a child. and now you have three more coming!
But really either way, no matter what.....what an amazing blessing!!!!
I am soooo excited to find out....I hope they co-operate for you!!!
Craig guesses - sorry about this - but all 3 will be boys!!
hope the waiting to find out isn't too hard!
Love ya
Wouldn't that be a hoot. Speaking of God's sense of humor....three girls for Justin and 3 sisters for Caden? Love it. Good Luck my friend - can't wait to hear the results.
For your sake I hope they all cooperate and you can see - OR that they are all shy and you can't know at all!
Are you overhwlemed with name options? That is crazy - it just hit me! There are a lot of different possible combinations to pull together - I hope you can find out all 3!
What an adventure! Praying for you tonight as your little miracles are growing and thriving! So happy for you,
Love, Carolyn