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Showing posts from September, 2008

Last Day of September

Well I have made it to the end of september. So, our babies are going to have October birthdays. Whew! Things are still unchanged and I'm still taking it easy and I'm still really glad that I am at home! I think Justin is too. But he is SO busy trying to keep up with everything. He has a tough job in all of this but he's handling it really well. I couldn't ask for a better husband that's for sure! My evenings are the toughest. That just seems to be when the babies really get moving around and sometimes get into positions that make me terribly uncomfortable or even in pain. I am definitely starting to feel that they are running out of room in there. And Caden. I really need to post some video because he is hilarious. He talks non stop. I think he got that from Justin :) and he tells us all kinds of stories and mimics everything. He is having so much fun going to Lindsay's everyday and playing with the little girls there. One of the girls(about 3yrs...

Hi, I'm home!!

As Justin informed you all, I was able to come home and do my bedrest here. My dr. managed to drag it out for four days but finally I am out. I feel ok. Never comfortable obviously and oh so huge!! It's a good thing I'm on bedrest because I can't really carry this belly around anymore anyway. The babies are very active and I enjoy feeling them move. They are so tightly in there though that sometimes it kind of hurts. My mom came for the past two days and kept Caden. They spent most of the day up in my room with me which was really nice. I had company and got to see Caden for more than an hour and a half. He seems to be handling everything pretty well but I sure miss the 'normal' things. The visits in the hospital are not exactly mother/son moments, you know? So, last night I got to give him a hug and a kiss goodnight. Today I'll see him when he comes home at lunch. It's SO MUCH better. My bed is more comfortable and it's so much cooler in ...

I Don't Know How She Did It

Well, we are at day 7 of the hospital bedrest watch. Things are going great although Jen is going pretty crazy. She had another ultrasound this morning and things are still great with the babies so Jen has somehow managed to convince the doctor, neo-natalogist, some nurses and the guy who brings her food that she could do what she is doing at home. And they bought it. So, I am going to be picking her up today to bring her home from the hospital. As long as she stays off her feet, it really will be about the same as the hospital. She still gets up to take a shower (which of course she has to stand and do), she goes to the bathroom and wanders around her room, and she will even go and fill up her water container from time to time. So really, being at home or in the hospital would be about the same. We will continue to take Caden to our good friend Lindsay's home daycare in the mornings while I come in to work. Then I will pick Caden up at noon and bring him home, feed everybod...

Quick Dog Update

So, Jenny just blogged that our dog was missing. I just went to the humane society and sure enough he was there. So another saga has come to a happy conclusion, although paying $135 to bail him out of jail wasn't the most ideal scenario. But Bailey is home now so there is singing and rejoicing and making of much merriment.

Home for a couple of hours

Well, I am out on a pass from the hospital for the afternoon so I thought I would say hello to everyone and say that nothing has changed and everything is still fine. The babies are staying put and hopefully growing more and more. I'm bored but trying to appreciate the time to read and relax. I can't believe that I am having as much trouble with that as I am. By the time Justin shows up at the end of the day I'm freaking out "take me outside for some fresh air!!" Everyone at the hospital has been great and I have no complaints besides just not wanting to be there. Like I said the babies are fine. I'm not sure how Caden is really doing but he appears to have accepted that I'm at 'the doctors so they can watch the babies in my belly". He's having a ball at our friend Lindsay's in the mornings. He said "I like it at Lindsays" so that's cool. And he does still say "go visit mommy?" enough to make me feel misse...

The Day Has Come

I'm getting all ready and packed this morning because my doctor has decided to put me on bedrest - in the hospital. This is so not in my comfort zone. Poor Justin can't possibly be retaining all the instructions I am giving him :). I'm afraid that all the books, magazines, puzzles books, etc. that I have packed still won't help me pass the time. I keep looking at Caden running around like I'm never going to see him again. It's so silly! But I spend all day, everyday with him. Now I might see him for a couple of hours a day. And I don't get to put him to bed at night. It makes me kind of sad. All that said - this is the best thing for the babies - we'd like to make it at least a couple more weeks, if possible. Plus - I'll get sleep this way and I can look at it as a bit of an adventure right? And, the fact of the matter is, I wasn't resting enough at home. It's true. So - here we go....guess we'd better decide on some names :)...

I never saw this coming....

Many of you may not believe this but I am not the luckiest guy in the world. Sure I am having triplets and I have a great wife, and for some reason I always get the best parking space closest to the store no matter what time of year it is (no... really. Just ask my friends. It is freaky really). But when it comes to having my name drawn for something, I have no luck at all. The only time my name is every really drawn is when there are more prizes then entries. Then I have a shot. It's still not 100% but my odds are increased. So it wasn't a surprise to me when at our company golf tournament this past weekend, after golfing had finished and they were drawing names for door prizes, my name was the absolute last name drawn. Literally. In a jar the size of my kid's head, my name was the only one left in the jar. I even predicted the outcome to my golfing partners so they were amazed at my clairvoyance. But the really amazing part of my story is what happened afterward...

Photo shoot

Adam and Trinda and the kids came this week and among other things we did a photo shoot. I am so pleased with the pictures and will post more later. Trinda is going to do some editing and stuff first. But here is a hint of what she did. Good Job Trinda!! Thanks again!

Fresh Air

My friend invited Caden and I to go to Wascana Park and feed the geese (and ducks and seagulls!). I wasn't sure I was up for it but I really wanted Caden to get out of the house. I am so glad we went. Caden ran and laughed and just had a blast. At one point he even said "I Love This!". I didn't feel great but I sure benefited from the fresh air and sunshine. That sun is such a mood booster! I've been really missing it. Looks like today is going to be another sunny one. At least we can play in the yard on those days. I'd gotten pretty tired of all the rain and cloudiness last week. You might notice how close these geese are. All the birds were so aggressive. I guess they were hungry! Caden wasn't bothered by that at all. One goose ate the bread right from his hand. I also had to remind Caden not to chase the birds and to avoid those ones that hissed at him :)

Weekend with Grandma and Grandpa

We had a really productive and fun weekend with Justin's parents. His dad was kind enough to spend the entire weekend building us a back fence and updating our bookkeeping. We can't say thank you enough! Justin's mom and Caden and I left him to his work one day and went to Moose Jaw to see Great grandma Weis. We played with G - grandma's little toys, went out for lunch and visited Mac the Moose. I didn't feel like myself but I don't these days and probably won't for quite a while. This is what it is for now :). Here's a few pictures from the weekend: Fence - Before Caden at Great Grandma's

All is still well

Had yet another appointment on wednesday and the babies are 2.5 lbs, 2.6 lbs and 2.7 lbs, so we're doing well. It was kind of funny though - the ultrasound tech had trouble getting a good look at the lowest baby (baby c) because baby b was right on top of him. They look so squished in there. But she said they are fine and they each have lots of fluid surrounding them still. My doctor once again told me to take it as easy as I can but gratefully my blood pressure was still good and all my blood work came back the way we wanted it too! I thank all of you that are praying for us and ask that you keep it up. I'm getting kind of nervous as the time for these babies to come gets closer.

We got one!!

So, it's September. I'm not sure what I think of that but it doesn't really matter does it? It's been rainy and cool and I'm kind of excited to dig out my fall decorations. I'm going to wait but I guess that just means I'm ready for the coziness and calmness of fall. We had a pretty good long weekend. I felt good some of the time, not too hot at other times but nothing out of the ordinary. We got a few things done around the house, we relaxed a bit, spent time with Caden. But what I'm really excited about is that we picked a name! YAHOO. We won't be sharing that til the babies are here but I was pretty happy to have gotten that far finally. Only two more to go. And we have a list to narrow down from. I can't believe how hard it is. I watched Jon and Kate plus 8 last night. It was the one where they go back to the hospital where the sextuplets were born. She was a little emotional about being back there and she said that that was pro...