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I never saw this coming....

Many of you may not believe this but I am not the luckiest guy in the world. Sure I am having triplets and I have a great wife, and for some reason I always get the best parking space closest to the store no matter what time of year it is (no... really. Just ask my friends. It is freaky really). But when it comes to having my name drawn for something, I have no luck at all. The only time my name is every really drawn is when there are more prizes then entries. Then I have a shot. It's still not 100% but my odds are increased.

So it wasn't a surprise to me when at our company golf tournament this past weekend, after golfing had finished and they were drawing names for door prizes, my name was the absolute last name drawn. Literally. In a jar the size of my kid's head, my name was the only one left in the jar. I even predicted the outcome to my golfing partners so they were amazed at my clairvoyance.

But the really amazing part of my story is what happened afterwards. The next draw was for the charity prize. On the course, we could give money to a charity at one of the holes and in return we get an extra ball to hit, one of the good golfers in our company (he was management so he gets to golf all the time) will hit a ball for you, and you get your name into the draw for the charity prize. So I gave them my money, had my name put into the draw, took my extra ball and didn't think anything else of it. That is until I heard my name called out when they made the draw for the prize. It was amazing. A monumental occasion for mankind and I am not understating this.

Of course I started wondering. Has my luck changed?? Have I finally turned the corner of my bad luck and now I can move on to bigger better things like the home lottery or maybe even go pro with 6-49. But then they revealed the prize and it all made sense. I didn't win because my luck had changed, I won because God, with his quirky sense of humour, wanted to mess with everybody I know. The charity hole prize was none other than an autographed Saskatchewan Roughrider's Football. Everyone was pretty choked seeing as how I was the only person in the room who doesn't cheer for that team. One of my golfing partners actually slapped me (well, not really but the look on his face, it was obvious he wanted to).

So, now I have a football that I don't really know what to do with. If I leave it in the house, it may inadvertently poison my impressionable young children and we could never allow that. I figure I could possibly sell it. With all the Rider fans around, I am sure I could get maybe $10,000, tickets to their 1984 El Camino and maybe one of the 3 washing machines they have stored in their back yard. Or, I could keep the football and use it as an object lesson. When Caden get's older, I can pull out the football and say, "You see here Caden. Here are the names of some players who started the year off good but seriously tanked in the second half and barely squeaked into the playoffs only to be ousted in the first round by an East Coast team." Then he will know why he is a Stampeder fan.

Currently, I am undecided. But while I deliberate, here are some pictures of the infamous football. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed the look on my co-workers face when they saw me win it. It was a memory I shall cherish for the rest of my life.


Anonymous said…
Oh Justin, you are in denial. I even moved to the "promised land" and I still cheer for the Riders. And look at how happy your son is holding that ball. I think he may be smarter than you already.
Anonymous said…
i think you add more info about it.
The Hudson's said…
Okay that has to be one of the funniest things I've heard of in a long time. Too bad the raffle didn't include a free Sask Riders Tatoo. Come on, we know you LOVE THE RIDERS!

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