Hello there everyone. We are back from our holidays and it was so nice to spend them with family. We all had tonnes of fun. The babies travelled fabulously both ways. They just slept til feeding time and then slept again til feeding time. Perfect! So - what is usually a 7 1/2 hour trip ended up being about 9 hours. Not bad! It was really cold going out and really snowing coming back so I'm kind of glad to be home and not planning to go too far for awhile. I haven't even left the house since we got back sunday night.
Justin is back to working all day and I'm home by myself with the 4 boys. The first day and so far the second day - have gone really well. All 4 are actually sleeping right now. They did that yesterday too but I napped. I should be napping now too! Oh, well. Every nap time is a decision to be made - sleep, do chores or have me- time. I try to do a little of each.
We had such a good time with Justin's family in Calgary. Caden was at the age where he understood what was going on and was absolutely ecstatic about it all. When I was putting him to bed on Christmas eve he heard some banging sounds (likely everyone downstairs) and said "Is that Santa!!!". So cute. And then he loved every one of his presents. He plays loyally with each and every thing. The babies were loved to pieces and grew under that attention. They are looking pretty good. Liam could still stand to eat more and put on a little more weight but he still seems healthy enough. The festivities began with rousing competition between the boys in pinball.
Brandi and Dylan
Justin is back to working all day and I'm home by myself with the 4 boys. The first day and so far the second day - have gone really well. All 4 are actually sleeping right now. They did that yesterday too but I napped. I should be napping now too! Oh, well. Every nap time is a decision to be made - sleep, do chores or have me- time. I try to do a little of each.
We had such a good time with Justin's family in Calgary. Caden was at the age where he understood what was going on and was absolutely ecstatic about it all. When I was putting him to bed on Christmas eve he heard some banging sounds (likely everyone downstairs) and said "Is that Santa!!!". So cute. And then he loved every one of his presents. He plays loyally with each and every thing. The babies were loved to pieces and grew under that attention. They are looking pretty good. Liam could still stand to eat more and put on a little more weight but he still seems healthy enough. The festivities began with rousing competition between the boys in pinball.
James and Kenny
There was a lot of this going on. Our babies were cuddled a little by everyone and a lot by some. It warmed my heart to see them getting to know their far- away aunts, uncles and grandparents.
Brandi and Dylan
Great Grandma Gladys, Liam and Caden
Grandpa Jack with Evan
Happy New Year Everyone!!