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Showing posts from March, 2009


Finally, life has gotten a little variety in it! Obviously some things have to be done differently because we have triplets and a 2 year old but I'm pretty determined to just try things and see what happens. It's funny how these things are normal everyday things to most people but, for us and the kids, they are adventures!! It's been fun though and it sure beats sitting around the house. MY ADVENTURE IN GOING OUT, ON MY OWN, WITH ALL 4 KIDS Yep, I did it! I loaded the kids in the van and headed across town to visit our friends, Bob and Kim. So - ya - it's not like really being on my own since I had so much help when I got to where I was going but it was a good way to start! Liam got cozy in this great comfy chair Also comfy... Caden, as always, got some yummy snacks and he got to play with a kitten! And I had a nice visit and a yummy snack too! Well worth the trip across town! Thanks to Kim and Bob for having all of us! THE ADVENTURE OF GETTING EVERYONE DRESSED F...

Sleep and other things

For those of you that are wondering how sleep is going for us, it's not too bad. The babies have basically slept through the night for the past 4 days. Unfortunately Liam was up at 4 on 2 of those nights. Not sure why. What I am sure of, is that I don't make very good decisions at that time of day. We brought him to our bed both times. Not because it was a smart thing to do but because it was what would get us back to sleep the quickest. Each morning I have thought - ok - DON'T do that again! Hopefully I'll know better next time. I just don't want him getting used to that or needing it. Yikes. The babies are growing so much these days. Just getting bigger and bigger and starting to do more and more. They can reach and grab. They play with their little toys and sit in the exersaucer or jolly jumper. Dylan is rolling over constantly now. The other two roll from side to side, so it likely won't be long before they roll over too. They all chatter all...

Crystal's birthday and my newest addict

Evan and I went over to Crystal's last night to help celebrate her birthday. We both had a good time!! I hope you did too Crystal! Evan got lots of love. Here he is with Rachel H. The addict part - This is Caden sitting at the computer playing computer games. GREAT!! Most of you know that Justin LOVES his PS3, PS2 and Computer games. Not to mention Xbox and on and on. Most of you also know that I'm not a fan! He keeps asking to play and I keep making up other things to do. I REALLY do not want him getting into that. Especially now. He's not even three! He asks for that a lot lately. So, I'll let him play a little and try to get him doing other things the rest of the day. Does anyone know when (if?) spring is coming? It'll help if he is outside, running around and playing sports and in his sandbox!

Jolly Jumping

I found this jolly jumper at a sale this weekend and the kids are really liking it. Liam and Dylan are really into it. Evan does it but not at the speed and intensity that the other two are. He just hangs out :). Zack and Jaiden created what they called "Baby Heaven" and I got a kick out of seeing all the baby toys out at once. WOW! There are 3 exersaucers, 4 activity center things, 3 chairs and in the back corner is a swing (we have 2 more downstairs) and the jolly jumper. On the floor in the farthest corner is a bumbo type chair (and there is another one not in the picture). That's a lot of stuff. Lucky babies! I must admit though that when they are done with all of this stuff (in less than a year!), I'll be happy to see them go. Oh, and Justin got some more work done on the counter. He attached the cupboard and cut the MDF board. Now he just needs to put the laminate on. We use it already and are really going to enjoy the extra counter space.

Time to go OUTSIDE!!

What do you do when the whole world is a puddle? Why, you go out and jump in it of course! So, that's what we did. We loaded up the kiddos and away we went. Caden had an absolute ball jumping in all the water and crunching the icy parts. He came home soaked to the bone. I'm loving the 'baby limo' and am finding it really convenient that it is a front to back and not a side by side. I wouldn't have gotten anywhere with the side by side one. Normally I wouldn't have been able to push the stroller around the park because it's all rocky. But right now it is just packed down snow and the stroller moved over that no problem. The babies stayed awake until the very last stretch on the way home. Here they are all crashed out from all that fresh air. I was even able to transfer them each to their crib and they stayed asleep. Oh and on the way home I stopped to take pictures of our icicles. We have terrible eavestroughing and while that is not a good thing, ...

Some Pictures

I just thought I'd post a few pictures from this month so far. Our boys - happy as can be Liam, Dylan, Evan Liam snoozing with his little stuffed animal Caden wanted to try having his brothers bath with him. We did it one at a time. They are a little floppy yet but it was fun anyway. Dylan sat pretty well and Caden had Evan laughing like crazy. Liam was a little shocked. He's the one that usually cries during his baths. I think it surprises him still and then he hates being cold. But lately he hasn't cried. The big bath seemed to be a bit of a surprise though... See what I mean? Poor Liam :) Evan enjoying towel time Liam, not so much (again - he just hates being cold. That's my kid!) Some of you may know that Justin has a thing about putting things on babies' heads. He thinks it is just hilarious and I guess this picture is pretty cute. Perfect example - the peanut butter cup on Caden's head when he was 3 days old. Liam ALWAYS has his hands in his mo...