I found this jolly jumper at a sale this weekend and the kids are really liking it. Liam and Dylan are really into it. Evan does it but not at the speed and intensity that the other two are. He just hangs out :).
Zack and Jaiden created what they called "Baby Heaven" and I got a kick out of seeing all the baby toys out at once. WOW! There are 3 exersaucers, 4 activity center things, 3 chairs and in the back corner is a swing (we have 2 more downstairs) and the jolly jumper. On the floor in the farthest corner is a bumbo type chair (and there is another one not in the picture). That's a lot of stuff. Lucky babies! I must admit though that when they are done with all of this stuff (in less than a year!), I'll be happy to see them go.
Oh, and Justin got some more work done on the counter. He attached the cupboard and cut the MDF board. Now he just needs to put the laminate on. We use it already and are really going to enjoy the extra counter space.