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A happy moment in time and am I worrying too much?

There was a time of mass contentedness friday morning. It was so nice to have all the boys happy at the same time. This was just after being up, having their bottles, some play time and then just finishing breakfast. Right before getting tired and fussy. Caden was happily playing with his "cars" cars but I didn't get a picture of that.

Liam swinging

Evan 'exersaucering'

Dylan jolly jumping

Dylan has done this to me twice now - both times were during naps and not during the night. But he flips over onto his tummy and sleeps face down. All 3 of them normally sleep on their backs and don't move. I'm much more comfortable with that position! You might notice his blanket, too These are the only blankets they get in their cribs because they are holey and I don't worry so much about them getting up around their faces. They love to pull them up and get right under them.

Ok People - the boys are seven months. Am I worrying too much? I'd like your opinions.


JJM said…
Don't happy!!!Kids have been sleeping on their fronts as well as their backs and their sides since Cain and Abel. When Justin was a wee gaffer the concensus was to place babies on their fronts so that if they threw up they wouldn't choke on it. All it takes is someone to come up with an idea, maybe even supported by a study...factual or flawed...and then a good media push to get behind it and enlightenment...until the next study and media push supporting the opposite proposition and deja vue new enlightenment...all over again.

Your boys are big...your boys are strong...they will sleep the way they find most comfortable...just like you do.
The Hudson's said…
Jen, it is difficult to say don't worry, it is a mothers job/plight in life to be the family worry wort. Now for SIDS risks, which is what I believe you are referring to. As much as people attempt to take comfort in past successes in tummy sleeping, it is certainly a risk that you are doing the right things to reduce... placing them on their backs to sleep, safe crib, no smoking. Other things to keep in mind are your boys are officially out of the high risk age which is 2-4 months; doctors are most concerned with babies that are placed on their tummys, not those that role. Rolling is not only a good sign of strength, but is a natural stage of development. If your boys place themselves on their tummy's, and they have a safe sleeping environemnt (which I can see from they photo appears to) you really should rest your head and let your babe sleep in the position he obviously finds comfortable.
Anonymous said…
I agree with the other two posts. If they are strong enough to be rolling over in their sleep, they are likely ok. But as for SIDS, "they" aren't really even sure what causes it, so no point worrying over something that we don't really know how to prevent. You have minimized the known risks.

Zack use to always roll over on his tummy and still sleeps on his tummy, 10 years later.

Give them all four a little hug for me! And stick your tongue out at Justin on my behalf and pat yourself on the back...triplets and toddler shouldn't be in the same sentence...but there you are doing fantastic!
maggiesmama said…
I have been having the same concern with Lachlan as he has flipped a few times during his naps. Our Dr. said if he can flip, he is now strong enough to move his head if he needs to for breathing so to let him be. I still put him down on his back and he hasn't flipped at night yet.
Laurie said…
I would say don't worry. He is strong enough to flip himself over, he's strong enough to lift his head. He'll be fine. :)

Sweet pictures!!
Anonymous said…
I was a bad mom and I let my kids sleep on their tummies if they liked it better - as long as they were strong enough to lift their heads then good enough for me.
Aisling said…
Connolly slept best on this tummy. I was a bit apprehensive about it at first, but after checking on him the first few times, I knew he was ok. Plus, the boys were @ the age where they could lift their heads, roll over, etc. so that made me feel better about it too.

It's natural to be unsure especially when you're dealing with 3 at once. You know I know! ;-) But you guys are doing a fantastic job; an AMAZING job.
I was in the same boat as you are now. When Janessa was 4-5 months old, she started doing that too. I called my Mom all freaked out to the point of hysteria thinking that my daughter was going to suffocate herself. My Mom was like, take a breath she'll be fine. Right from the moment she was born I was paranoid that she would stop breathing in the middle of the night, so we got one of those Angelcare monitors. Fabulous things. It senses every movement including if the baby would stop breathing for more than 5 seconds. That helped me to relax and the realization that she was strong enough to roll over and hold her head up so it was only natural to roll over while you sleep. I won't say you're worrying too much. All Moms worry about something no matter what the case may be. It helps us to feel like a good Mom and that we care about what happens to our kids at every second of their days. What kind of mother would you be to your sons if you didn't worry?

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