Last weekend our friends Craig and Leah came over and made us a Korean supper. They're not Korean, they've just lived there for a few years!!

Here's the spread. It was SO good. We enjoyed leftovers for 2 days after that and were sad to see it end. And just for the record - although I'm willing to try anything once, I don't usually like new things the first time around.

I just can't get over how fast these kids are growing. It's amazing. It was one year ago that we moved into this house so that we'd have room for everyone. I was barely even showing yet. And now look at the size of them!! I'm so grateful for how healthy they are and how well things have gone so far. Sure, I'm pretty exhausted sometimes but how would I feel if they had special needs or special diets or breathing apparatuses or .... the multitude of other things that we don't have to worry about. I'm feeling FULL today - so FULL of gratitude for finally having my beautiful family. WOW.
Oh boy - this blog is about our Korean supper.... I got a little sidetracked! Thanks guys for a wonderful new meal... and Jay and Shannon... we are looking forward to trying a Chinese meal now....
Justin, helping out (and sneaking some sushi making in on the side)

Here's the spread. It was SO good. We enjoyed leftovers for 2 days after that and were sad to see it end. And just for the record - although I'm willing to try anything once, I don't usually like new things the first time around.

Oh boy - this blog is about our Korean supper.... I got a little sidetracked! Thanks guys for a wonderful new meal... and Jay and Shannon... we are looking forward to trying a Chinese meal now....