Saturday (the weekend before this past weekend) was a beautiful day in Minot and a perfect day to go to the zoo. First, we had some breakfast by the pool.
Dylan got his own for this leg of the walk and here he is actually wearing his hat. That's short lived!
At one point I watched Caden and Keiran (these cousins are just a few weeks apart in age) just start to wander off, on their own little mission. Not sure what they were planning but I'm sure it would have been interesting.
Ok - the kids might seem smaller here! They are!! This is two years ago. The first annual family trip to Minot. I thought it might be fun to compare the first two years with the cousins to this year.
So this is 2007 - Caden is one (Keiran is also but he wasn't in this pic).
Here are the cousins in 2008 - Jaiden holding Caden in place, Keiran, Zack, Lana and Gabby (another cousin, Beth, was born but pretty little and not in the picture)
And.... 2009 - a bit of an expansion. Here are the now 10 cousins - Liam, Evan, Keiran, Caden (still won't stay still for the picture), Dylan, Jaiden, Gabby, Zack, Beth and Lana

Ok - another flash from the past. The first year we went we decided to take a family picture and for some reason it was on this rock by the signs. So - we've done it every year now. It is going to be the thing that 'mom always makes the kids do' I can hear the 'aww, mom's now. But I don't care and deep down they'll think it's neat.
Good Morning Keiran!

So this is 2007 - Caden is one (Keiran is also but he wasn't in this pic).
Gabby,Lana, Zack, Caden and Jaiden

Jaiden took over stroller duty. He just loves the little kids and is so fabulous with them. He's a sweetheart.

Ok - another flash from the past. The first year we went we decided to take a family picture and for some reason it was on this rock by the signs. So - we've done it every year now. It is going to be the thing that 'mom always makes the kids do' I can hear the 'aww, mom's now. But I don't care and deep down they'll think it's neat.
2007 - Caden is one

I am sometimes still overwhelmed with how blessed we are. Wow.
Anyway, that's our trip to the Minot zoo. After this we went for a late lunch, at a restaurant. All 18 of us. It went not too bad actually. We had our own little room at the back and their was an adult table and a kids table. The babies took turns waking up so that worked out alright. Not a relaxing meal by any stretch but it was nice to go out. Hopefully I will be able to blog our last day their sooner rather than later :)
Anyway, that's our trip to the Minot zoo. After this we went for a late lunch, at a restaurant. All 18 of us. It went not too bad actually. We had our own little room at the back and their was an adult table and a kids table. The babies took turns waking up so that worked out alright. Not a relaxing meal by any stretch but it was nice to go out. Hopefully I will be able to blog our last day their sooner rather than later :)