If I wait until I have time to blog the whole weekend in one sitting, I may never blog again. So - I will do a little here and little there.
We spent last weekend in Minot with my family. This is our third year in a row and its a great tradition to have started!! I was certainly curious how it would go this year since our family has grown a little :). I started making lists of what to take a couple of weeks ahead of time and started packing 5 days ahead or so. And that doesn't include the things that I bought in Estevan ahead of time and left there. I felt a little funny at the border when we first pulled up with a vanload of babies (that don't even look alike!!) but they believed our 'triplet' story and away we went.
The babies slept most of the trip and had their bottles as soon as we arrived -
We spent last weekend in Minot with my family. This is our third year in a row and its a great tradition to have started!! I was certainly curious how it would go this year since our family has grown a little :). I started making lists of what to take a couple of weeks ahead of time and started packing 5 days ahead or so. And that doesn't include the things that I bought in Estevan ahead of time and left there. I felt a little funny at the border when we first pulled up with a vanload of babies (that don't even look alike!!) but they believed our 'triplet' story and away we went.
The babies slept most of the trip and had their bottles as soon as we arrived -
