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Who IS that handsome guy?

This is the garbage can in our kitchen. Dylan just loves to crawl over to it and spends lots of time with the handsome guy he sees in it. He smiles and laughs. It's hilarious. I will make no reference to others he may be related to that enjoy similar activities :) (you know who you are).

The kids are absolutely adorable and they make us laugh every day. Life has a semblance of normalcy to it. I am still busy most of my waking hours (and today those started at 330am) but there is a flow to it all. Our routine is pretty much:
get up too early
have a bottle (the kids not me, although I might be tempted one of these days)
fall back to sleep (again - the kids - not me. They always seem to take turns waking up and going back to sleep so there's no reprieve like there was with just the one baby)
get up again and have breakfast. Sometimes I feed them one at a time and sometimes we make a big bowl, put their high chairs all in a row and go from one mouth to the other to the other to the other!
Then we get play time and I try to get myself and Caden fed and cleaned up and dressed for the day. I clean up the kitchen and before too long it's naptime again. This is where I can get some more housework done or hang out with Caden. Sometimes we grab the monitor and go outside for awhile. Sometimes I mow or vacuum the car :) We have snack.
Then they get up and we do bottles and diapers and I get them dressed. Next thing ya know it is lunch time so I feed the babies, then Caden and then Justin and me.
Then the babies have an afternoon nap, get up and do bottles and diapers again and play a bit. Then it supper. And around and around we go!

Evenings consist of getting all 6 of us fed. Every couple of days or so there is bathtime for all the kids. We do that one at a time but I want to get more bath chairs for them so they can play and splash a bit longer in the tub and be together. I think they'd like that. So we're trying to find those chairs. After that everyone gets a bedtime snack and then one of us does story time for Caden and puts him to bed. Around the same time (between 730 and 830) the babies go to bed as well.

In the day sometime I try to make 4 trays of frozen pureed food for the babies and I usually do a load or two of laundry. I prefer that to doing 10 loads at once. Now that the babies are mobile and a bit more demanding, it's tougher to get things done while they are awake. Sometimes they play contentedly but not all 3 of them for too long.

Once everyone is in bed I usually have a snack myself and we usually read for awhile. A little quiet time and we go to bed between 9 and 10 sometime. livin' it up eh? :)

That's a bit of an idea of what life is like on a day where nothing out of the ordinary happens (ha!). It's all kids all the time. They are so fantastic. Boy have we come a long way! It was a long road to get here and it really blows my mind when we're all in the van and I look back and it's full of kids. Huh!! Love it!!


Anonymous said…
It was lovely to meet your little ones this morning, esp. after following them for their whole lives! Keep up the great job, all of you! They look so healthy and well loved. Blessings, Ellen
Anonymous said…
Your story is amazing..I hope we get to meet them sometime!
Sharon Parker
Brandi said…
loves to look at himself in the mirror, eh??? mmm, i wonder if that's from your side or justin's side of the family???!??
strangely enough and perhaps related, my joshy also has a fascination with mirrors :)
JJM said…
Honest to goodness...this is a Mooney trait...but not from my side of the Mooney tree. James, and Josh have it..but so does their uncle Dean...and that means that it comes from the Weis side of the Mooney tree...cause I've never enjoyed looking in the mirror...find it kind of depressing actually...

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