On the long weekend we decided to brave a weekend at Clearview with all the kids. It was our Church Retreat. Overall it was worth the effort but there was ALOT of effort. It was more work than I had thought and we got next to no sleep at all. We were so grumpy. Every night when we were awake at 2 and 3 and 4, we decided to go home that day. But then we wouldn't. We made it through the weekend. You'll see in the pictures that we had lots of help and had lots of fun. Especially Caden. He loves to be around people and to be busy so he was in his element. He participated in everything he could, even if he was a little small for some stuff. Thanks to everyone that helped make it so great!
Evan and Liam - they spent a fair bit of time in their strollers.
Even eating in them for most meals.
Even eating in them for most meals.

Caden found this fabulous creature.

We had lots of people willing to help with the babies.
And not just our babies. Our church has a lot of babies!!
SO we're lucky to have lots of willing arms!

We had a carnival on saturday and Caden picked Raysha to be his partner in the three legged race. He's so bossy though. He just told her she was doing it. Oh boy... Anyway - she was happy to and they had a blast!

We wouldn't have made it through if we hadn't made room for our playyard. It was so handy. And our kids weren't the only ones that used it. THe other little kids thought it was cool - and so did a few of the bigger kids! Here's Dwight hanging out in it.

Justin loves archery and enjoyed showing Caden what it was all about.

Being up so early did give us a chance to go for a couple of walks as a family.
Caden was helping out with the strollers.
