What to name this blog? That was the question. It could have been many things, such as:
- Am I nuts?
- A first for momma
- lovin' the sunshine
- happy 10 month birthday my baby boys!!
- the last hoorah of summer
and on and on.
I chose the title that I ended up with because it was the most appropriate for today. I woke up,, if you call it waking up when you've already been up all night, grouchy! Grrr. And on Justin's night too. I hadn't slept much all week and was pretty annoyed about it. My thought in the morning when the kids wouldn't stop whining and wouldn't eat without making a mess and I was already SO tired was this "this is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it" and I thought 'I want to punch that verse in the face'. Not great I know. Let's call it a major low :).
Anyway - I kept thinking about how I was in charge of my life and it was my decision on how to look at things and how to BE. And I told myself to stop complaining!!
Then, a little later in the morning, as I was trying to rest on the couch while the babies slept (they didn't really nap well after all) and Caden was watching tv, Caden says "let's get slurpees today". I thought that sounded fun and we had better enjoy this weather while we've got it. So, somewhere along the way I decided that I could handle taking all the kids out, on my own. WHAT!! This is where the "Am I nuts" fits. Anyway, Caden agreed that he would help push Liam in his stroller so that we could go feed the geese at Wascana. So - that's what we did!
After lunch and after packing up a bunch of stuff, including Caden's trunks and a towel, just in case the spray park was still open, we loaded up the van with kids. One carseat at a time. They are very heavy babies!!
Anyway - we did it and had a wonderful time! Here are some pictures:
The kids at Wascana Park. We parked really close to a spot where there were geese and I pushed the big stroller and Caden pushed the little one. He only ditched him to run and get some rocks once :).
- Am I nuts?
- A first for momma
- lovin' the sunshine
- happy 10 month birthday my baby boys!!
- the last hoorah of summer
and on and on.
I chose the title that I ended up with because it was the most appropriate for today. I woke up,, if you call it waking up when you've already been up all night, grouchy! Grrr. And on Justin's night too. I hadn't slept much all week and was pretty annoyed about it. My thought in the morning when the kids wouldn't stop whining and wouldn't eat without making a mess and I was already SO tired was this "this is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it" and I thought 'I want to punch that verse in the face'. Not great I know. Let's call it a major low :).
Anyway - I kept thinking about how I was in charge of my life and it was my decision on how to look at things and how to BE. And I told myself to stop complaining!!
Then, a little later in the morning, as I was trying to rest on the couch while the babies slept (they didn't really nap well after all) and Caden was watching tv, Caden says "let's get slurpees today". I thought that sounded fun and we had better enjoy this weather while we've got it. So, somewhere along the way I decided that I could handle taking all the kids out, on my own. WHAT!! This is where the "Am I nuts" fits. Anyway, Caden agreed that he would help push Liam in his stroller so that we could go feed the geese at Wascana. So - that's what we did!
After lunch and after packing up a bunch of stuff, including Caden's trunks and a towel, just in case the spray park was still open, we loaded up the van with kids. One carseat at a time. They are very heavy babies!!
Anyway - we did it and had a wonderful time! Here are some pictures:
The kids at Wascana Park. We parked really close to a spot where there were geese and I pushed the big stroller and Caden pushed the little one. He only ditched him to run and get some rocks once :).
So we got to feed the geese! We have been talking about this and saving up bread, all summer!! Caden had fun and that was the point!
Once we were done with the geese we decided to see if the water at the spray park was on. It was!! YAY. Again, we parked as close as we could to the park and loaded up the stroller. I knew Caden wouldn't be able to push Liam through the grass so I decided to carry one baby while pushing the stroller with two other babies, the diaper bag, Caden's swim stuff and our big blanket! :) We made it, slowly but surely! I finally just went and laid Liam down on the blanket and went back for the stroller. Don't worry, it was in sight the whole time.
Dylan was thrilled to be out. Well, they all were but Dylan really made the most of it. Here he is sitting....
And off he goes. He took off every chance he got and put stuff in his mouth every chance he got. I'm so glad that all 3 aren't equally adventurous.
Caden had a blast in the water. There's a benefit of not being in school yet. Everyone else is so we get our city back to ourselves again! Love it!
Caden did end up making a couple of friends there. He loves to make friends wherever he goes - whether they like it or not :)
Since Dylan wouldn't stay safely in the stroller (he was buckled in by the way!) and wait his turn I got him out and he played in the water a bit too...
Then we headed over to the play park side. Evan loved the swing. He laughed and laughed. It was pretty cute.
Evan and Dylan - Dylan stayed in the swing at least. This way, he was contained and I knew where he was - oh, and he wasn't eating strange things off the ground!
Liam's turn. yep - there were only two baby swings so one baby had to wait in the stroller for his turn.
Dylan, not putting this stick in his mouth, because his mom realized that he was less likely to do that if he had a soother in his mouth. Where was my brain on that one? Oh well, better late than never!
So that was our afternoon. We got all packed up and decided to go and get that slurpee. We picked Justin up from work and he did his coffee break with us. It was fun. Once we got home we had supper and then headed out again! There were a few hours in between but it was nice to go out for a walk in the evening. Kept the babies happy ( a lot less whining when we are outside! - just like their momma!) and Justin and I got to visit a bit and Caden got to ride his bike. I felt just fantastic by this time. I had rejoiced and been glad in this day :). Caden got to feed the geese, play at the play ground and the spray park, ride his bike and get a slurpee. Not a bad day for a 3 yr. old. I actually felt good about his day for a change.
When we got home all 4 kids had their baths and snack and went to bed. I started getting ready for bed but then I remembered that i needed to go out and get a few things from Walmart - so out I went again. Grabbed a few things (and a few extra things - ya gotta have some fall decorations ya know!) and came home.
What a day! It was full and fun and sunny and just so so good. Ya know those days? I'm so glad that I didn't just feel sorry for myself and sit in the house. I challenged myself to try something and because my kids are so great I was able to do it and we all enjoyed it. I thank God for the gift of this day!
Oh, and you might find this interesting...
Except for Liam needing a soother at 1:30am, the kids all slept from 8 - 5:30ish. That is a really good night for us and I feel great this morning.
So, all I need to do every day is..... Ya - not going to happen :)
When we got home all 4 kids had their baths and snack and went to bed. I started getting ready for bed but then I remembered that i needed to go out and get a few things from Walmart - so out I went again. Grabbed a few things (and a few extra things - ya gotta have some fall decorations ya know!) and came home.
What a day! It was full and fun and sunny and just so so good. Ya know those days? I'm so glad that I didn't just feel sorry for myself and sit in the house. I challenged myself to try something and because my kids are so great I was able to do it and we all enjoyed it. I thank God for the gift of this day!
Oh, and you might find this interesting...
Except for Liam needing a soother at 1:30am, the kids all slept from 8 - 5:30ish. That is a really good night for us and I feel great this morning.
So, all I need to do every day is..... Ya - not going to happen :)